Jumbo Vintage Boba Fett review

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Good review, MC. I think it's neat idea but nothing I would ever collect (and I had the originals growing up). I don't care how limited they are, they aren't worth that price. It's just another GG ploy to sucker in collectors who will eventually sell them after the novelty has worn off.

And look at the size of that packaging!

After looking at this photo, you either get it... or you don't:

Best part of the review:

I'm not sure blowing up the vintage figures to this scale was all that great of an idea. It reminds me of having a oversized pencil, or a big pair of scissors. It's amusing for a few minutes, then you realize you don't have any place to put it.
Yea, once I had it in my head that these were more like a gag gift you'd buy at Archie McPhee than anything else, I couldn't get it out of my head.

Comparing them in value to VCD's is probably accurate - and the last VCD I reviewed, the Ewok, also got one star in the Value category from me.

The worst part is that I see what these are going for on ebay now. My God, and I thought $85 was bad!
Ok, to each his own. And what are the edition sizes anyway? This review is the first I have ever heard of them.

So far (Stormtrooper & Boba Fett) they've been at 1500 each. Gentle Giant had about 300 of each alloted for each day of SDCC & CV respectively, and each daily allotment sold out quickly. They also held back some for sale through their site.

I actually think too much is being made of the vintage carded packaging. Sure, it's a neat nod to the nostalgic appeal of these and funky... but it's the figures themselves that are ultimately what's really cool. I'm not displaying mine in the package. If anything, I might get another Stormtrooper when it's on the SW card and have it as the carded representation. The rest will be opened and displayed together in the office. :rock
The worst part is that I see what these are going for on ebay now. My God, and I thought $85 was bad!
What's really crazy is that dealers at Celebration were selling them for $175+ at the same show where Fett debuted at Gentle Giant for $85. That's because they allowed vendors to queue up in line hours before the Exhibit Hall even opened every day. :slap
I can't believe some people stil can't understand the appeal of these. Last I checked pencils and scissors never defined the childhoods of an entire generation.
What's really crazy is that dealers at Celebration were selling them for $175+ at the same show where Fett debuted at Gentle Giant for $85. That's because they allowed vendors to queue up in line hours before the Exhibit Hall even opened every day. :slap

Oh, so THATS what was going on at CV. I saw a lot of people post about not getting the Fett and being mad about it but they never mentioned which one specificly (I figured it was the Medicom VCD Exclusive) but it was this one.
I can't believe some people stil can't understand the appeal of these. Last I checked pencils and scissors never defined the childhoods of an entire generation.
Shhh! You'll spoil some peoples' pee parade.

Oh, so THATS what was going on at CV. I saw a lot of people post about not getting the Fett and being mad about it but they never mentioned which one specificly (I figured it was the Medicom VCD Exclusive) but it was this one.
Yeah, it was this one. No one really cared about the Medicom VCD Exclusive. Even though there were only 250 of those total, there was still easily more than 100 left in the CV store the last day. Those were sent to Sideshow (as a Medi distributor) so they eventually did sell-through. But that wasn't anywhere near as coveted as the GG Vintage figure.
Great review, Michael. I agree 100%.

These are definitely fun and appeal to me personally since I grew up with the original vintage figures. But $85 is simply too much for the novelty. $20-$30 tops. Heck, even if I was rich I would still feel like I'm getting robbed!
I just think it's odd that with comparably priced VCDs from Medicom and $100 generic 1:6 environments from Sideshow that the prices of these are what sets everyone's teeth on edge.

Should/could these be a good bit cheaper? Probably. But it's clear that Gentle Giant's intention is to keep collectibility high with these prices and low edition sizes. Will it work? We'll see. So far, it is. Regardless, they're clearly not for everyone. And that's fine.

If we've learned anything about collectors & our varied habits and appeals on here, it's this: Value is subjective.
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I can't believe some people stil can't understand the appeal of these. Last I checked pencils and scissors never defined the childhoods of an entire generation.

Star Wars defined my childhood as well but I still think they are too expensive. I'd rather have the original 12" figs in the classic package then the 3 3/4" just blown up.

If we've learned anything about collectors our varied habits and appeals on here, it's this: Value is subjective.

You got that right. Even I forget that sometimes. :)
I like these... don't have any yet, but plan to pick up a few vintage favorites. I think the price could be lower, but when I regularly drop $150 on a single 1/6 figure these days its a bit hard to get worked up over $85 :lol

I'm just impressed how well they were able to upsize these and match the finer unintended details like mold lines, etc.
I just think it's odd that with comparably priced VCDs from Medicom and $100 generic 1:6 environments from Sideshow that the prices of these are what sets everyone's teeth on edge.

Should/could these be a good bit cheaper? Probably. But it's clear that Gentle Giant's intention is to keep collectibility high with these prices and low edition sizes. Will it work? We'll see. So far, it is. Regardless, they're clearly not for everyone. And that's fine.

If we've learned anything about collectors & our varied habits and appeals on here, it's this: Value is subjective.

At least with the VCDs and environments they are all new sculpts that someone created.

From the look of these, it seems GG just scanned the original toys. And then charge out the ass which SW fans will eat up like everything else.
I think the difference between these and VCDs is that the VCDs are a unique, detailed representation of the characters vs a large facsimile of an old toy that was never very good to begin with. The only charm the old toys have is nostalgia--they are not superior in any way to current toys. At least VCDs have detail and accuracy going for them.

Besides, I think VCDs are overpriced too.

Like I said before, I think these jumbos are pretty cool and fun, and I would totally get them if they were like $20. And I like Darth Madden's suggestion of getting the vintage 12" figures reissued (for a reasonable price, of course)!
I get the concerns over price. At least with the current edition sizes you have the reassurance that you can always get your money back (and possibly more) if you decide you need to let them go.
I just noticed that they made Han the "big head" one. When I was a kid we laughed at my friend who had that one. :)