I like that they photoshopped (Corel Draw'd?) the feet to make it as unbalanced as the eventual figure. Paint job is one thing, but people complaining the promo pic is standing flat and perfect compared to the released figure, totally another.
It was my favourite toy, too, the elusive holy grail. But I had to settle playing with it at a friend's place. Myself I got the Jr version for Xmas, which had a better paint but that God awful "damage socket" with corresponding meat plug. Tried gluing it to no avail.
By the time TLW JP came out and the far superior to previous JP toys, Thrasher T-Rex, was released, I was out of the figure stage and into sports and females. Years later, mid 2000's I got my act together and purchased a MIB Thrasher off the bay. Sold it last year for $600. It paid for the Chronicle Rex basically.
Good times.