New update from Nanmu on their Buck:
Love the new pose, gives him a very heavy, lumbering look. Excited to see the paint app and other accessories they throw in. Crossing fingers for a base.
New update from Nanmu on their Buck:
Love the new pose, gives him a very heavy, lumbering look. Excited to see the paint app and other accessories they throw in. Crossing fingers for a base.
Do you think it will be available in both colors?
The Rex in JP1 is female, and she is the same Rex that's in Jurassic World. There was both a male and female Rex in The Lost World. The males have green coloration.Is JP1 Rex male or female? Which T-rex in the movies are Female?
That sculpt is amazing.
I'm assuming that the jaw is hinged. If so, they did a fantastic job of making it look natural. Wow.
You can see that the sculpt is different than their first Alpha T-rex. ( the third dino behind).
The head is bigger and the nose has higher and more marked protuberences.
Seems definitly more the Buck male saw in TLW rather than the female of the 93 movie.
As I understand it, the key differences between male and female in the Jurassic world are these.
- Color (Green male, brown female.)
- Neck (Thicker male, thinner female.)
- Nose Ridges (Higher male, lower female.)
- Upper Lip Bone (Prominent male, subtle female.)
I'm learning a lot today. Thank you my friend. Another one of those details that you never noticed even though you watched the movie a million times but you learn on the internet when your a adult. Examples for me are Venkman's untucked pants, Vader's differences in lightsaber's throughout the OT.
Rebor’s overall Rex looks nice but the skin texture looks too off for me. Nanny looks best overall but the pose on their female looks a little too static, this new one conveys much more power.