so this movie basically said FU to dinosaurs and focused on the broader idea of cloning and genetic tampering and misuse of that power. It could make for an interesting movie if it was just a stand alone movie.
But that IS what the whole point of brining back Dino’s is about. The first film especially.
So they just retreaded on the same subject material but chose to focus on something far less interesting then Dinos.
This film should have focused on mankind trying to live with Dinos and then you could have had a black market plot, like we saw in the film, but expand that. Give us some Dinos loose in Times Square or something. But make the Dino’s the threat.
The director was off about this movie and why we go watch them. We do love seeing Dino’s chomp on people and fight each other. We want to see Dinos in and out of their element.
We know cloning and genetic tampering is bad. This could have been the story to wrap up exactly what Ian warned about almost 30 years ago.
Nope… We get grasshoppers and Dinos as an afterthought.
I am not even sure why they made giant locus I. The first place. I missed that explanation somewhere with all the other plots going on.
These films have decided to make the Dinos the good guys. It was cool when it was by accident like in the first film. But now it’s like the filmmakers have decided that the only Dino’s that can be killed are the ones that really deserve it. Of course now that I think of it. Has a human ever killed a dino in these films??? Only one I can think of was Ian’s daughter in part two with the gymnastics move and the raptor got impaled.
I could not believe Owens friend was being attacked by that rapper in the new film and he had a gun but refused to use it… basically putting everyone’s life in danger if gets out into the world.
So Dinos have always been the good guys lol.
That’s fine but they should always be a great threat. That seems to have gotten lost along the way.