I just watch Jurassic Park and that's it 

I only like JP.
The only good thing about JP2 was the toy line. I can't even say that about JW.
Lost World was a bomb, but I still take it over everything after.
Bugs me how much of a departure Malcolm's portrayal was from the first film. He's too serious and doesn't have that care free mentality... then again being attacked by a dinosaur with frog DNA would do that to someone.
And let's not forget this dung.
That girl ruins the movie but shes not as bad as the kid in part 3.
That kid was cringy as hell. Lil rambo..... the girl was dumb but at least she was scared
I tend to fast forward her part.
So we're all in agreement that Jurassic World is the best of the series then? Good.
You put jp3 over jw? Shame!!
JP3 ****s on Jerkassic World tho.
Sam Neil >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Starlord
Sam Neil >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Starlord
Spinosaurous >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Giant invisible Raptor