The funny thing is some people on the internet have an issue with trained raptors yet the trained Mosasaurus jumping in mid air to eat a shark has been completely overlooked. If dinosaurs were brought back to life in the real world this is exactly how humans would act by training and manipulating the dinos behaviour. Playing God and all that...
The funny thing is some people on the internet have an issue with trained raptors yet the trained Mosasaurus jumping in mid air to eat a shark has been completely overlooked. If dinosaurs were brought back to life in the real world this is exactly how humans would act by training and manipulating the dinos behaviour. Playing God and all that...
I'm quite excited to see how they handle the 'trained' raptors. There's not much more they could do with the raptors, the JP kitchen scene and TLW ambush scene can't be topped.
I mean, if there's one thing we've seen from JP, it's that raptors HATE cages. Remember the beginning scene of JP1 where a raptor killed the park worker?They were also the first dinosaurs to break out of their cages when the power was shut down.
I'm quite excited to see how they handle the 'trained' raptors.
I'm quite excited to see how they handle the 'trained' raptors. There's not much more they could do with the raptors, the JP kitchen scene and TLW ambush scene can't be topped.
Absolutely. That kitchen scene sent shivers down my spine when I first saw it back in 93. The first JP pulled such a brilliant move, by turning raptors into a sort of horror monster. The ambush scene was brilliant, too.
I know I'm stating the obvious but the T-Rex breakout scene is one of the best scenes in movie history so there's no point expecting anything in JW to top that because everything will fall short despite whether it's good or not. Best to accept that now and enjoy what we do get.
Maybe they're not in cages... they're not on the 'map' of attractions at all so they're not in the main part of JW. Maybe they have the run of the 'old' section of the park instead of a pen-like cage...?
We will see... Trevorrow has said that Pratt's relationship with the Raptors is...complicated. We'll have to see just HOW trained they are.