Broke and happy
Don’t Care
Don’t Care
No way dude he works for WB lol
He makes a lot of funny observations though. Flash and Cyborg slowly digging up someone's grave with shovels in their feature film debut, lol.
Does he bring up his best friends pot belly on the plane scene lol
He does call him Sadfleck which I thought was a term only used here, lol
I’m at my son’s taekwondo class right now and one of the instructors put on the JL “come together” song for class and the head instructor just said that song is not allowed and proceeded to put on the Thor 3 Zepplin song instead lol
Holy crap i’m sitting here lol.
Russell with the Farrah Fawcett hairHe looks great.
Douglas looks good in movement and I thought the woman was wearing makeup, not CGI.
The VFX artist discussed Warner Bros. counteroffer: Let Cavill shave and in return they would create a CGI mustache for the Mission: Impossible film, rather than going through the far more complex (and uncanny valley-esque) method of digitally removing the mustache.
“A mix – to some people it’s a cool little project to get stuck in to and another problem to solve, which is what a lot of VFX is about. Challenging. To me, as a fan, I was annoyed haha Paramount should’ve shaved him and stuck a fake one on for MI6. Ridiculously petty of them. We did tests on already shot footage of Superman to*add*a beard as well to show the MI6 team at Paramount it was loads easier, and Warner Bros offered to pay for all the beard adding shots in MI6. They said no.”
Question for Superman fans, what's the definitive Superman trade paperback? With Batman the default seems to always be Year One or The Dark Knight Returns, is there an equivalent for Superman? What about Wonder Woman?
Question for Superman fans, what's the definitive Superman trade paperback? With Batman the default seems to always be Year One or The Dark Knight Returns, is there an equivalent for Superman? What about Wonder Woman?