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If they're going to bring the same tdk batman back, he needs to undergo a magical body restoration or something. Attempting to fight like he did before against whats coming can't be taken seriously. I can see Darkseid shooting his omega beams at him now. Would Bales Batman acrobatically flip out of the way? No, he'll either stand there or try to punch it. :slap

There's the reason he gave the mantle to Blake! Just like Jean Paul Valley, he needed someone to watch over Gotham while he got back in fightin' shape!:lol
Not exactly. I actually like the idea of Nolan's Batman being Ground Zero for the Justice League ... with him starting in a time before superheroes existed, or at least were known. First, I think it gives Batman more weight when he's not just a darker, less powerful Superman copycat. He was the original. He took up a cause that needed to be taken up ... because he was the only one to do it. Superman wasn't around yet. And, he's earned his stripes before he's completely outgunned by the more super of the heroes, so as not to be overshadowed.

Second ... it leaves the relative realism of Nolan's Batman Universe untouched while allowing for the more fantastical elements to slowly come later. Starting with Superman in MOS.

Third ... I think it actually adds to Batman's character, and to conflict in the League. Wayne earned it by the sweat of his brow, and has the bruises to show it. He's the gritty old-timer that's been around from before these flashy superheroes came along. He's suspicious of their powers, and he's gotten along just fine without them for quite a while. There's more depth there with that set-up. Adding the fantastical elements to Nolan's universe, and watching Nolan's Wayne cope, makes for an intriguing development ... rather than just another fantastical element in an already fantastical universe.


Yeah......no, make it a different Batman and a different batman "world" and I would be fine with it. If JLA is going to be part of Nolan's batman world I would never be able to watch those movies again knowing Aliens exist in the same universe.

Let's throw a man from another planet who wears tights and a red cape while flying around faster than the speed of sound and holds God like powers into the mix. Next we'll add the existence of aliens into the mix. Those would be the definite inclusions.

Now throw in the possibility of Ryan Reynold's as a man with a ring of magical powers, a man who can communicate with sea animals, an Amazonian warrior princess, a Martian, and a woman who flies around with bird wings.....

I mean....just....just no....:monkey2
Bravo sir. That's exactly what I feel. Couldn't have said it better. :clap:goodpost::goodpost:

In retrospect, building the League around/behind a reluctant Batman makes a lot of sense. Make Nolan's Batman trilogy the Justice League's equivalent of the Captain America and Iron Man movies. Iron Man was far more grounded than any of the other Avengers movies ... and Captain America was the original. Make Batman both the original and the grounded ... and then add the fantastical to that already-developed character.

It answers a lot of questions about the inconsistencies between the Batman Universe and the rest of the fantastical DC Universe ... like, why didn't Superman just fly in and pound Joker into oblivion? He didn't because he wasn't there.

I also like the concept of Nolan's Frank-Miller-style TDKReturns Bruce Wayne telling all these flying freakos to get off his lawn ...


... because the truth is, Wayne wouldn't want their help, even if he needed it.

Yeah......no, make it a different Batman and a different batman "world" and I would be fine with it. If JLA is going to be part of Nolan's batman world I would never be able to watch those movies again knowing Aliens exist in the same universe.

Let's throw a man from another planet who wears tights and a red cape while flying around faster than the speed of sound and holds God like powers into the mix. Next we'll add the existence of aliens into the mix. Those would be the definite inclusions.

I disagree. Adding Superman to that universe would be perfect. It would require the appropriate amount of shock and awe at a flying strongman with a cape ... in a universe where that isn't run-of-the-mill. Part of the problem with an overly fantastical universe is that the fantastical is mundane ... too many aliens, and superpowers, and flying people, and whatever. The awe is gone, and Superman is mundane. In Nolan's universe ... he wouldn't be.

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I don't really get the trepidation regarding the whole "Aliens cannot exist in the Nolan Batman universe."

Take Iron Man for example. The first and second film are almost, not as much as TDK Trilogy, grounded in reality. He's just a human. There are no aliens in that first or second film.

It's only once Thor comes that things change. But do they, really?

Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it isn't there.

I feel this way with the move for a JL movie. Make Superman the first alien. Combine Paradise Island with the Bermuda Triangle. Bring down the Martian!

It isn't going to change anything. You'll still have the trilogy if you absolutely hate it and can't move on.
Not exactly. I actually like the idea of Nolan's Batman being Ground Zero for the Justice League ... with him starting in a time before superheroes existed, or at least were known. First, I think it gives Batman more weight when he's not just a darker, less powerful Superman copycat. He was the original. He took up a cause that needed to be taken up ... because he was the only one to do it. Superman wasn't around yet. And, he's earned his stripes before he's completely outgunned by the more super of the heroes, so as not to be overshadowed.

Second ... it leaves the relative realism of Nolan's Batman Universe untouched while allowing for the more fantastical elements to slowly come later. Starting with Superman in MOS.

Third ... I think it actually adds to Batman's character, and to conflict in the League. Wayne earned it by the sweat of his brow, and has the bruises to show it. He's the gritty old-timer that's been around from before these flashy superheroes came along. He's suspicious of their powers, and he's gotten along just fine without them for quite a while. There's more depth there with that set-up. Adding the fantastical elements to Nolan's universe, and watching Nolan's Wayne cope, makes for an intriguing development ... rather than just another fantastical element in an already fantastical universe.


Interesting concept. I would imagine within creating the JL movie that the GL movie and Man of Steel would have to happen post the events of TDKR. That way you don't have this odd hole of how did anyone not know or not report the news of these events. Then I'll be curious to see how JGL factors into all of this since they kind of set him up to be "next".

I just hope Batman stays Batman and doesn't try quitting a thousand times. :lol:nana:

In all seriousness I am very curious to see what they do. If Batman can be the Batman of the first two Nolan films and everything else is as good as I hope it should be a good ride.
In retrospect, building the League around/behind a reluctant Batman makes a lot of sense. Make Nolan's Batman trilogy the Justice League's equivalent of the Captain America and Iron Man movies. Iron Man was far more grounded than any of the other Avengers movies ... and Captain America was the original. Make Batman both the original and the grounded ... and then add the fantastical to that already-developed character.

It answers a lot of questions about the inconsistencies between the Batman Universe and the rest of the fantastical DC Universe ... like, why didn't Superman just fly in and pound Joker into oblivion? He didn't because he wasn't there.

I also like the concept of Nolan's Frank-Miller-style TDKReturns Bruce Wayne telling all these flying freakos to get off his lawn ...


... because the truth is, Wayne wouldn't want their help, even if he needed it.

I disagree. Adding Superman to that universe would be perfect. It would require the appropriate amount of shock and awe at a flying strongman with a cape ... in a universe where that isn't run-of-the-mill. Part of the problem with an overly fantastical universe is that the fantastical is mundane ... too many aliens, and superpowers, and flying people, and whatever. The awe is gone, and Superman is mundane. In Nolan's universe ... he wouldn't be.


Then just replicate what Nolan did with Batman for Superman in his OWN universe, why must these two larger then life characters meet and exist in the same universe? I don't like superhero cross overs because it ruins what they are all about, if there are superhero's everywhere it undermines their overall awe and impact to the world. That was one of the reasons why I didn't really like Avengers. I feel like cross over stories are just unnecessary. But if they're gonna do it anyway don't do it with Nolan's Batman. That's all I ask, these are still only rumors and not confirmed yet. I personally would never see Nolan do this, because that would be a nice way of destroying Bruce's arc by bringing him back. He said multiple times that Rises was the end and the finality of that film further shows that really WAS the end. ****.
Then just replicate what Nolan did with Batman for Superman in his OWN universe, why must these two larger then life characters meet and exist in the same universe?

Because its a Justice League movie. Its in the premise. If you're not into the premise, maybe it ain't the movie for you.

The interaction between Superman and Batman is a psychologically interesting one, and opens a lot of storytelling possibilities. I'd love to see a Justice League series end with a Superman vs. Batman arc ... like Kingdom Come or TDKReturns. Superman was always one of Batman's more capable adversaries.

That was one of the reasons why I didn't really like Avengers. I feel like cross over stories are just unnecessary. But if they're gonna do it anyway don't do it with Nolan's Batman. That's all I ask, these are still only rumors and not confirmed yet. I personally would never see Nolan do this, because that would be a nice way of destroying Bruce's arc by bringing him back. He said multiple times that Rises was the end and the finality of that film further shows that really WAS the end. ****.

One of the best reasons for having Batman pre-exist the rest of the League is that, unlike the rest of the League besides Superman, Batman has his own universe that can stand on its own. If Nolan's movies predate MOS, GL, and JL ... that universe is left intact, with the larger DC Universe set as a fantastical sequel to the grounded Nolan Batman Universe.

Rises was the end of that arc. No reason they can't start a new one.

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WB must have pulled the dumptruck full of money to Nolan's doorstep- how could he say no? Bale will get big $$$ and guarantee a big boxoffice career to continue to do the kinds of films he wants to do in-between
Interesting concept. I would imagine within creating the JL movie that the GL movie and Man of Steel would have to happen post the events of TDKR. That way you don't have this odd hole of how did anyone not know or not report the news of these events. Then I'll be curious to see how JGL factors into all of this since they kind of set him up to be "next".

I just hope Batman stays Batman and doesn't try quitting a thousand times. :lol:nana:

In all seriousness I am very curious to see what they do. If Batman can be the Batman of the first two Nolan films and everything else is as good as I hope it should be a good ride.

Well, GL movie doesn't count. :lol

But yeah, for SD's idea to work then MOS would have to occur after TDKR (The Dark Knight Rests).

But SD stated that Batman "took up a cause that needed to be taken up"

All I saw was an 8 year vacation. :lol

Joking...joking, he did some good deeds.
God I hope Nolan is not responsible for casting Wonder Woman. He would probably cast Maggie Gyllenhaal LOL.
Well, in fairness, since you were looking for a new take that is what you got. Making a film that was true to the characters and their history wouldn't have been 'new'. It might have been preferable but you wouldn't call that a new take. What Nolan did give was a 'new' take in that yes, his Batman does retire and go off into the sunset. He leaves the name Batman as a legacy to be continued by others.

I'm not a huge fan of TDKR myself mind you.

Sorry , I mean't I was looking for the JL movie to give us a new take . Like I said , I LOVED Batman Begins and the "real world " setting was just the right way to relaunch the property in the cinema . I don't really want to get into the game of slagging DKR , because after all , it's just an opinion and plenty of people love that movie , but I just found the whole exercise very cynical and it's shortcomings far outweigh it's few good points . I'd just like to see a little more fun and dare I say it "fantasy" . :wink1:
Not exactly. I actually like the idea of Nolan's Batman being Ground Zero for the Justice League ... with him starting in a time before superheroes existed, or at least were known. First, I think it gives Batman more weight when he's not just a darker, less powerful Superman copycat. He was the original. He took up a cause that needed to be taken up ... because he was the only one to do it. Superman wasn't around yet. And, he's earned his stripes before he's completely outgunned by the more super of the heroes, so as not to be overshadowed.

Second ... it leaves the relative realism of Nolan's Batman Universe untouched while allowing for the more fantastical elements to slowly come later. Starting with Superman in MOS.

Third ... I think it actually adds to Batman's character, and to conflict in the League. Wayne earned it by the sweat of his brow, and has the bruises to show it. He's the gritty old-timer that's been around from before these flashy superheroes came along. He's suspicious of their powers, and he's gotten along just fine without them for quite a while. There's more depth there with that set-up. Adding the fantastical elements to Nolan's universe, and watching Nolan's Wayne cope, makes for an intriguing development ... rather than just another fantastical element in an already fantastical universe.


If this is the course of things to come, then this is the version I like. However, I am strongly against Bale Batman being involved in JL. I love the idea of Nolan being involved, but more of a "quality control" like figure and ideas man, with Goyer and his brother to help and Snyder to direct. But I just don't get why WB can't wait to relaunch a new version of Batman who plays with Man-Bat, Killer Crock and Mr. Freeze and let that version of Batman be in the JL. Let the Bale Batman rest and let that trilogy rest as a shining example of how to do a proper comic book trilogy. Just establish a new Batman, let this new version of Superman stand (from the looks of it, Supes looks amazing) and throw in the rest because Batman and Superman are the 2 main characters that have to be established before a JL movie.

And as much as I liked JGL as the new Batman, Bruce Wayne is the only man capable of being held in the same league as these super powered gods.

It would also seem that bringing Bale Batman back into action takes away from the ending of TDKR, which I happened to love. I don't know, if Bale Batman is coming back for this, I can't believe Nolan would allow it. Money talks I guess.
If this is the course of things to come, then this is the version I like. However, I am strongly against Bale Batman being involved in JL. I love the idea of Nolan being involved, but more of a "quality control" like figure and ideas man, with Goyer and his brother to help and Snyder to direct. But I just don't get why WB can't wait to relaunch a new version of Batman who plays with Man-Bat, Killer Crock and Mr. Freeze and let that version of Batman be in the JL. Let the Bale Batman rest and let that trilogy rest as a shining example of how to do a proper comic book trilogy. Just establish a new Batman, let this new version of Superman stand (from the looks of it, Supes looks amazing) and throw in the rest because Batman and Superman are the 2 main characters that have to be established before a JL movie.

And as much as I liked JGL as the new Batman, Bruce Wayne is the only man capable of being held in the same league as these super powered gods.

It would also seem that bringing Bale Batman back into action takes away from the ending of TDKR, which I happened to love. I don't know, if Bale Batman is coming back for this, I can't believe Nolan would allow it. Money talks I guess.
