appologize ultra, i thought i left you feed for her?? my bad.....yeah , you did a great job my friend!!!! you were dead on with your description of her thats for sure.......want to hear something funny, well not really funny...but that day i got about 7 packages....i had figures, toys, accessories, etc all over the place, bubble wrap, peanuts, paper rolled up, and i was getting it all together to throw out, i scooped up all the crap and filled up a black hefy garbage bag, thats how muck stuff i had...i throw it out..come back to my pile of goodies and notice selene has no head??? i'm in a panick...right away i think one of my 9 lb. ____zu's has her head...i go running for the dog's...perform an autopsy on each one and they are sculpt... i'm confused....i cant check the box because i had already cut up all the cardboard and taped it up.....i remember you saying in the auction the head was not secure.....ahha...i go back out empty all the garbage head...

.....2 seconds later....

sets wife had just brought me home mcdonalds, a big mac, with extra cheese...yumm, i lose my appetite..for a man to lose his appetite over a big mac with extra cheese you know he is sick to his stomach...

........i tell my wife....she does what she usualy does with this stuff anyhow, she rolls her eyes and tells me to get a life...

.....i gather myself and start to think...

......when did i see it last..?? as soon as i start to back track my 4 year old comes over and asks "daddy what color do you want your pretty dolls head" do you want blond hair or red hair..i'm going to paint her nice and pretty!!!.and she shows me """selene"""....i snatch the sculpt like a american eagle with 5 inch talon's....i give her a kiss..

......and we are now living a happy and healthy marriage..
