Re: *UPDATED* Kato 1/6 Joker Outfit - Vest Pre Order Now Up!
very nice!
This is my plan to make the pants after the shirt
very nice!
This is my plan to make the pants after the shirt
Come on guy's pay the man we all want to get out vest's shipped!
Yeh come on please guys!
Umair can you please pm those last two on the list and get them to pay..we have been waiting on them for ages now!
To Umair :
It is unfair to keep them waiting due to the late payment by some people so .. pls send me the following :
1. The name list who hv already paid the balance and their buying detail (as somebody may buy 2 ties as well)
2. Their sending address
3. Of course the payment as well)
I would like to send the vest and tie to them first.
To Umair :
It is unfair to keep them waiting due to the late payment by some people so .. pls send me the following :
1. The name list who hv already paid the balance and their buying detail (as somebody may buy 2 ties as well)
2. Their sending address
3. Of course the payment as well)
I would like to send the vest and tie to them first.
As the printing factory has not open yet, I decided to start the second prototype :
This is the initial printing by using my inkjet printer
The making of collar :
To Umair :
It is unfair to keep them waiting due to the late payment by some people so .. pls send me the following :
1. The name list who hv already paid the balance and their buying detail (as somebody may buy 2 ties as well)
2. Their sending address
3. Of course the payment as well)
I would like to send the vest and tie to them first.
alright, now I have to do a mob head for the coat. The coat is gonna be so awesome that deserves a new head.