Not yet! I hv not received the final printing on my fabric yet. I expect it will be ready next week
Believe me! The actual fabric is more purple and close to the movie!

The light and my camera make it look too green in tone.( I think I need to buy a better camera )
This is the best Joker coat fabric I can find for these serveral weeks. I don't think there are any other fabric which is better both in color and suede texture. Just like the vest, you should be more happy with the color and qlty when it is in hand rather than just look at my picture.
Pls ntd thah everyone may look different in color via their screen as well.
Pls kindly understand that I don't hv textile mill that I cannot offer the exact fabric you need. I can only done my best to find the best option for you. I think what you can do is either think about whether it is satisfactory or skip it.
For yr information : I hv ordered the fabric for blazer as well.