Now I'm getting nervous that this Fonz figure will be comparable to KP's Twin Peaks Agent Cooper. That figure was one of my worst purchases of 2023, with a quality that resembled something Sideshow would have released almost 20 years ago. The price point for these KP figures is completely out of whack with the (lack of) quality. If they turn out so bad it's like an under-$200 value at the most. Clearly not some top-tier high-end collector grade product in the $400 range. Doesn't matter what kind of fancy extras are added to the package, the quality and craft of the figure are the main features. That's what KP built their reputation on - a company built on the concept of collectors making unique figures for fellow collectors, with the best craftsmanship. I'm willing to pay a higher dollar for that commitment to product.
I preordered the deluxe/exclusive Fonz, not for the jukebox or base - I can do without those completely - but for the extra sculpt. I do appreciate that KP is generous with including more than one sculpt, but their recent releases seemed to have limited that extra to just the most expensive deluxe sets, leaving the more affordable set options somewhat barebones. KP's Nosferatu, Dracula and Inspector Clouseau, from 2 years ago, were all great figure sets with plenty to like without having to upgrade to the deluxe. They need to stick with that model while concentrating on delivering a high quality figure. They should probably ditch whatever factory is turning out the bad paint apps now.