Super Freak
You don't have to buy anything
I bought it 'cause I like the character, the actor & the movie of course.
I chose & paid for it because at the time no other company was making this figure
and the price was ok (I even had a muscular Kaustic spare body lying around at the time).
If there was another option, trust me I would have considered it.
I didn't say that you hid anything or the hs was different from the prototype.
My remark is that the head should have been better from the 1st version.
Listen Fabio because you are passionate about your products,
but I am also passionate about my collection and I like to pay "bang for my buck".
That's why I have very few hot toys figures in my collection and that 's why I consider every purchase,
because money especially nowdays in Greece are not easy to find.
So when I have to pay for a 2ond hs that I should have gotten at the 1st place,
and the company offering it is the same company that made the 1st set, then yes I feel cheated.
I wrote the same remarks to Pangaea when they planned to produce a 2ond version of their Greek Warrior.
The posts are there and you can find them but I think you know already.
In the past you have accused me, now I hope that at last you can see my point of view.
With that logic Hot Toys must have given me all those improved Jokers for free...
Seriously, it was totally clear that the head was a "nice to have" but more likely something for the parts bin. The focus of the set was on the accessoires and this has been top!
Saying you feel "cheated" is really a little hard and overexagurating.
In the past you have accused me, now I hope that at last you can see my point of view.
I don't know how you ever end up buying anything. Companies make improvements all the time. They find better ways of doing things, hire better employees (sculptors, tailors, castors). As soon as something good comes out, something better is right around the corner. You will never have anything if you are waiting for the perfect whatever.I rarely buy hot toys so I don't own the same figure 2,3 or 10 times.
I can't afford it, but then again if I had the cash I wouldn't do it because I think it's too much.
I prefer to invest my money on other loved movies and not on a milking marvel/dc universe,
acquiring 2Xhulk, 3Xblack widow, 4Xbatman and 10Xiron man.
Any way as I can see some don't mind spending their cash,
even when it is to buy the same head they should have gotten in the 1st place.
On the other hand I mind, it is my decision/opinion and I justify it with reasonable arguments.
When a company makes a figure or a set, it has to be completed and the best it can be.
It certainly doesn't feel right (at least to me), after 1 year to sell the same head as an "improved" version,
heck why didn't they produce it like that and sell it inside the 1st xxl set?
Where is the answer to that argument?
As for the modern life fiasco, KP advertised their "relationship" because they chose to do business with them.
So if they want to honor the commitment to their customers, they should offer it for free or with a discount to buyers of the 1st set.
That's called gratitude and is to be shown to customers who support you and buy your products.
Last I like when companies like Asmus or Pangaea respect their customers and offer improved items for free,
because they admit they were wrong and had "mistaken" products.
To that comment also no one made an effort to write anything, maybe it's a practice not acknowledged on this thread.#
KP: Others don't mind paying for the new head, I do.
If I post a photo of your 1st xxl set inside my home, will you send it for free or with a discount to me?
Choose whatever signal is to be shown, so you can verify it is my figure.
Prove to me that you are not making this new head to make money
and I will get the best customer service when buying your products also.
I rarely buy hot toys so I don't own the same figure 2,3 or 10 times.
I can't afford it, but then again if I had the cash I wouldn't do it because I think it's too much.
I prefer to invest my money on other loved movies and not on a milking marvel/dc universe,
acquiring 2Xhulk, 3Xblack widow, 4Xbatman and 10Xiron man.
Any way as I can see some don't mind spending their cash,
even when it is to buy the same head they should have gotten in the 1st place.
On the other hand I mind, it is my decision/opinion and I justify it with reasonable arguments.
When a company makes a figure or a set, it has to be completed and the best it can be.
It certainly doesn't feel right (at least to me), after 1 year to sell the same head as an "improved" version,
heck why didn't they produce it like that and sell it inside the 1st xxl set?
Where is the answer to that argument?
As for the modern life fiasco, KP advertised their "relationship" because they chose to do business with them.
So if they want to honor the commitment to their customers, they should offer it for free or with a discount to buyers of the 1st set.
That's called gratitude and is to be shown to customers who support you and buy your products.
Last I like when companies like Asmus or Pangaea respect their customers and offer improved items for free,
because they admit they were wrong and had "mistaken" products.
To that comment also no one made an effort to write anything, maybe it's a practice not acknowledged on this thread.#
KP: Others don't mind paying for the new head, I do.
If I post a photo of your 1st xxl set inside my home, will you send it for free or with a discount to me?
Choose whatever signal is to be shown, so you can verify it is my figure.
Prove to me that you are not making this new head to make money
and I will get the best customer service when buying your products also.
I rarely buy hot toys so I don't own the same figure 2,3 or 10 times.
I can't afford it, but then again if I had the cash I wouldn't do it because I think it's too much.
I prefer to invest my money on other loved movies and not on a milking marvel/dc universe,
acquiring 2Xhulk, 3Xblack widow, 4Xbatman and 10Xiron man.
Any way as I can see some don't mind spending their cash,
even when it is to buy the same head they should have gotten in the 1st place.
On the other hand I mind, it is my decision/opinion and I justify it with reasonable arguments.
When a company makes a figure or a set, it has to be completed and the best it can be.
It certainly doesn't feel right (at least to me), after 1 year to sell the same head as an "improved" version,
heck why didn't they produce it like that and sell it inside the 1st xxl set?
Where is the answer to that argument?
As for the modern life fiasco, KP advertised their "relationship" because they chose to do business with them.
So if they want to honor the commitment to their customers, they should offer it for free or with a discount to buyers of the 1st set.
That's called gratitude and is to be shown to customers who support you and buy your products.
Last I like when companies like Asmus or Pangaea respect their customers and offer improved items for free,
because they admit they were wrong and had "mistaken" products.
To that comment also no one made an effort to write anything, maybe it's a practice not acknowledged on this thread.#
KP: Others don't mind paying for the new head, I do.
If I post a photo of your 1st xxl set inside my home, will you send it for free or with a discount to me?
Choose whatever signal is to be shown, so you can verify it is my figure.
Prove to me that you are not making this new head to make money
and I will get the best customer service when buying your products also.
... but don't think the guys at KP are getting rich in 1/6. For smaller companies, this is a labor of love and a chance to work in an area they enjoy. We're not talking about Mattel or Hasbro here.
In the past I accused you of trolling me and my company... Sorry to tell you, but I have the same feeling once again..
New product.. new thread.. Same attack against me (once again from you).
At that time was for Gladiator helm.. Now it's the head..
Next time what it will be?
You have shown to me for the 2ond time you don't respect your clients.
When the constructive criticism is not likable to your business, you prefer to accuse your customer.
Learn to listen and be polite but I guess I am asking too much....
You have not replied to my remarks, but rather chose to be yet once again offensive.
There won't be a next time, not because you prefer it, rather me that had enough of you and your practices.
I regret buying your product, it's the 1st & last time I ever did.
Sorry to disturb your universe of happy customers.
(And the examples you offer is for licensed products which is not an apples-to-apples argument)