Kevin Smith Too Fat to Fly

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Nexus 6
Jan 21, 2006
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Off World
That's gotta be embarrassing.

OAKLAND - He wasn't even supposed to be there that day.

Filmmaker Kevin Smith, fresh from delivering a speech at the Macworld Expo in San Francisco, unleashed his fury on Southwest Airlines after the pilot on Smith's flight from Oakland to Burbank ejected him for being "too fat to fly" Saturday evening.

"I'm way fat, but I'm not there just yet," Smith wrote on his account after the incident, adding that he was able to lower both arm rests at his seat. "I broke no regulation."

Southwest Airlines measures whether a customers too large to fly based on the passenger's ability to lower both armrests while sitting on the plane. If the passenger cannot lower one or both armrests, the carrier typically requires the passenger to purchase an additional seat or make arrangements on other flights that may accommodate for extra space.

"Wanna tell me I'm too wide for the sky?" Smith inquired on his Twitter account. "Totally cool, but fair warning folks: If you look like me, you may be ejected from Southwest Air."

The director of Clerks and Chasing Amy, who is also known for playing a character named "Silent Bob" in several films, added that Southwest Airlines did offer him a $100 voucher for his troubles. Additionally, Smith wrote that a female passenger seated next to him was also "chastized for not buying an additional seat."

A spokesperson for Southwest Airlines wrote an apology on the company's Twitter account following the Twitter-lashing unleashed by Smith Saturday evening.

Smith is expected to further address the Southwest Airlines issue on his podcast Sunday evening. The director eventually landed in Burbank on another flight.,0,5181078.story
That sucks. :(

It sucks even more that SW decided to apologize only becuz Smith is famous...but us ordinary people get nothing.
Good for him. He should unleash hell on Southwest and embarrass the ____ out of them.
fat, or too fat :horror does it matter when you find out that you're suppose to sit beside someone that's much larger than you are.:horror:horror

try it someday and see how well the 4-6hr flight feels. i'm 6'4" tall and once was forced to sit beside a rather large (fat) person, well let's just say he was invading my airspace ALL the fackin time. should of he bought two seats..........HELL YEAH.
Why do fat people get offended when someone calls them fat? If you're fat, you're fat. And I don't mean people who could stand to lose 20 pounds. I mean they people who are flat out FAT. I mean you have to know you're fat so why get all pissy about it? Who wants to be squeezed in beside someone who weighs 350lbs on a plane?

I weigh about 250 now ( down from 273 a year and a half ago ) and still want to get to about 220 ( 6'3 ) and that would be good for me as I have a naturally large frame. If I ever got to below 200 I'd be a complete bean pole. I know I need to lose a few so I have never understood people who are seriously FAT getting upset when they get told they won't fit into a seat. If you don't fit then what is the airline supposed to do about it?
fat, or too fat :horror does it matter when you find out that you're suppose to sit beside someone that's much larger than you are.:horror:horror

try it someday and see how well the 4-6hr flight feels. i'm 6'4" tall and once was forced to sit beside a rather large (fat) person, well let's just say he was invading my airspace ALL the fackin time. should of he bought two seats..........HELL YEAH.

If I had to guess, Smith was sitting next to his wife... who is skinny as a rail and doesn't mind sitting very close to him.
To me that's a wake up call to lose weight.
Last year I was on a Rollercoster ride and for the first time, I found it hard to pull the protective bar over myself. I now eat a lot of salads and visit the gym three times a week, because I never want that to happen again.
Why do fat people get offended when someone calls them fat? If you're fat, you're fat. And I don't mean people who could stand to lose 20 pounds. I mean they people who are flat out FAT. I mean you have to know you're fat so why get all pissy about it? Who wants to be squeezed in beside someone who weighs 350lbs on a plane?

I weigh about 250 now ( down from 273 a year and a half ago ) and still want to get to about 220 ( 6'3 ) and that would be good for me as I have a naturally large frame. If I ever got to below 200 I'd be a complete bean pole. I know I need to lose a few so I have never understood people who are seriously FAT getting upset when they get told they won't fit into a seat. If you don't fit then what is the airline supposed to do about it?

Wait till they find something wrong with you and _____, then maybe you'd feel differently. What if someone doesn't like the way you smell, or maybe they feel you're too tall and you keep your seat back too far.

I'm sure fat people know they're fat, they don't need someone telling them that. Until you walk in someone's shoes, don't think you can understand how they feel.

Was the plane sold out? Was the seat next to him vacant or could they have moved him to another part of the plane that has two empty seats?

There was talk about weighing people before getting on a plane. What if they say you're too fat simply because of your weight? I have an ex boyfriend from years ago that was your height and only weight 130. You'd be a tub of lard compared to him. :lol

You can sit me beside a heavy person anyday, just don't sit me beside a bunch of kids.
Why do fat people get offended when someone calls them fat? If you're fat, you're fat. And I don't mean people who could stand to lose 20 pounds. I mean they people who are flat out FAT. I mean you have to know you're fat so why get all pissy about it? Who wants to be squeezed in beside someone who weighs 350lbs on a plane?

I weigh about 250 now ( down from 273 a year and a half ago ) and still want to get to about 220 ( 6'3 ) and that would be good for me as I have a naturally large frame. If I ever got to below 200 I'd be a complete bean pole. I know I need to lose a few so I have never understood people who are seriously FAT getting upset when they get told they won't fit into a seat. If you don't fit then what is the airline supposed to do about it?

yeah i'm 6'4" and wiegh in at about 220 and don't invade others space when i fly, so i'm good.

To me that's a wake up call to lose weight.
Last year I was on a Rollercoster ride and for the first time, I found it hard to pull the protective bar over myself. I now eat a lot of salads and visit the gym three times a week, because I never want that to happen again.

good for you, glad to see some people care enough about others and mostly themselves to do something about it.

sorry i just can't fell bad for the ones that can't even get up or get through a doorway because they say that they're sick.:banghead