I thought you already told that story.
Are you sayng you got extra crispy
Okay, so here's the story:
As you all know, I was able to get my local KFC to make an Extra Crispy Double Down (from now on referred to as ECDD). You were all quite taken with the story.
I shared that same story with a foody friend of mine.
About two months ago shortly after telling the story, this friend left a message on my voice mail saying: "I have a story to tell you, but for now I'll just say, I have basically unlimited access to as many double dipped ECDD's as I want."
So I called him back, and here's his story (abbreviated):
He was at KFC (a different one than the one where I got my ECDD) and he ordered an EC meal. They didn't have EC on hand and they said there would be a wait for it. He said that was fine. He was messing with his phone when the manager walks up to him and says, 'is everything okay sir? I hope that's a good phone call you're making.' [He had the receipt in one hand and his phone in the other, so she thought he was calling the number on the receipt to complain.] He said, 'no everything is fine.' And she says, well let me know if there's anything I can do for you,' and walks away.
As he's waiting, he remembers my story and he walks up to the counter and says, 'actually there is something you could do... after sharing my story and a little bit of conversation, the end result is that my friends name is in her special book of customer requests saying that he is entitled to ECDD's!
When I first heard this, I had recently had a DD and I like to put about a month between sandwiches to keep it special. This worried my friend, because he didn't know if the offer would "expire."
Now we are getting to the good part.
My friend and I finely got together for that special meal. Thankfully the same manager was there, so it was easy as pie to get our ECDD's. It was just a matter of waiting for fresh preparation. [As a side point, Devilof76 mentioned that he doesn't like the fresh DD's because the skin pulls off when you bite it... yeah, that doesn't happen with EC.] All I will say about my second ECDD is that
it was every bit as good as the first one. EVERY BIT AS GOOD. It is an almost magical experience. ([Edit] Oh yeah, they were made with extra sauce... and the manager asked us if we wanted extra bacon as well. I said, 'well there's two strips on there already right?' She says, 'actually it's only one. We just break it in two.' So we said/ 'okay, extra bacon to!'

As we were eating it one of the employees even came out to ask us about it. Then the same manager came over and asked us how it was. At this point we had clearly gotten on her good side, and we were basically her buddies because we have been praising her like crazy. She gives us each a book of coupons and [listen carefully now] says that
either of us can have an ECDD any time we want, and that if we call ahead, they will even arrange to have them ready when we arrive.
I am not making this up.
Before we ate them, I took a picture to help you all visualize the story.
What is the moral of this story? Well it's not just to make you all jealous. It's to move you to move your local KFCs to make an ECDD! Get on their good side. Beg. Do whatever it takes! And don't forget extra sauce!