KFC's Double Down Sandwich

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I ate them twice last week. Consecutive days. I'm starting to like the fresh ones less than the ones that have been sitting a bit. Fresh, the batter is damp and tends to slide off. If it sits under the warmers for a bit, the batter gets crispier.

My kingdom for extra crispy. :gah:
I ate them twice last week. Consecutive days. I'm starting to like the fresh ones less than the ones that have been sitting a bit. Fresh, the batter is damp and tends to slide off. If it sits under the warmers for a bit, the batter gets crispier.

My kingdom for extra crispy. :gah:

Have you asked them to make one extra crispy? It sounds to me like some of the KFCs are willing. You should try.
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In case the video doesn't make it through, here's the link:


The sandwich looks like a winner.

Sarah De Heer looks pretty freakin' awesome as well.
A bit off topic cuz it doesn't pertain specifically to the double down but KFC (original) chicken is absolute best when eaten warm rather than fresh/hot imo. I try not to eat that garbage but holy hell can it be good from time to time. :drool
I've taken to using it for emergency feeding. If I haven't had a solid meal for a bit, it works well to fill me up quick. You can't really do that with a bucket of chicken, or even McDonald's. Most fast food makes me feel like crap, but the Double Down doesn't.
Hater? Sounds right on the money to me. (Still have not gotten around to having one while on my monthly drinking day. Only way i would eat one, Don't sound like i'm missing much)
Hater? Sounds right on the money to me. (Still have not gotten around to having one while on my monthly drinking day. Only way i would eat one, Don't sound like i'm missing much)

I am talking about a hater of sex selling...not of the doubledown.