Ki Adi Mundi: Jedi Master- Image Thread

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the red is definately there. no denying it but it doesnt really stand out too much under natural light. the head paint is also completely flat. dont know why he looks shiny in the pics.

The red really isn't a problem in person... but it does show up prominently in photos. I think those that ordered him will be very happy.
I gotta try to make time to go get mine today. If not I'm definitely doing it tomorrow.
When the pre-order went up, I was worried about a couple of things, just like everyone else; over sized head, small feet, buck body.

Got Ki-Adi yesterday and I must say that those initial fears have proven baseless. The head size seems about right. The feet are fine and the buck body doesn't detract too much.

The boots seem to be much more flexible than previous figure's boots.

The one problem I do have is with the belt. It is too big and tends to gap a little and, with the pouch slung over his shoulder, the major selling point of the lightsaber clip won't hold the lightsaber.

It clip won't hold the saber because they packed him with the wrong saber. Apparently Aayala has Ki's and vice versa.
It clip won't hold the saber because they packed him with the wrong saber. Apparently Aayala has Ki's and vice versa.

I'll have to give Aayla's lightsaber a try in the clip. It would be a shame if one of the major selling points didn't work.



This is a great reference image for anyone who has the ROTS Obi-Wan. Obi looks distorted here and I know how he looks in hand. Their boots look close in size here, so makes me feel safer in how Ki-Adi's and the new AOTC Obi-Wan's boots will be.
Bummer she doesn't seem to be a figure that was ever parted out by Toy Anxiety :monkey2

I had no interest in owning her, but would have been nice to get the right lightsaber.
I'll be glad when FBP or Play get him in stock, then i'll pick him up minus the terrible currency conversion rates...

Still gotta get Aayla i am someone who doesnt like the "Glow Stick Bregade" and most of my collection is smegging jedi...Sideshow hurry up and release more Han, Rebel Hero and maybe some BOUNTY HUNTERS!!!!!
Are there any concrete images showing that Ki Adi actually should have Aayla's saber? I looked last night and couldn't find anything.
What is Aayla doing with her lightsaber? Ki certainly looks surprised


you'd be surprised what can happen in the heat of battle.:lol
that was a horrible picture taken at a bad angle. i wanted to get a pic of all 3 sides of that jedi triangle for my pics thread but there was a wall in my way for the shot.

here's a better side by side shot with the swapped sabers:
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I transferred Ki Adi to a spare Qui Gon body:


And a side by side of Ki Adi's and Aayla's sabers.
I like the height of him on the Jinn body, but unfortunately, the outfit looks too small, especially the tunic and tabbards...if only they were longer...