BC2 controls like I crap.
Controls and feels about 95% the same.
BC2 controls like I crap.
I wonder if the campaign is 6 or so hours long....lot of comments about how short it is...if true, that is way, way too short
Seems fine to me. I'm buying it mostly for the online anyway. I think a lot of people are so use to the single player campaign being the main chunk of a game, when people need to switch their thinking. You're not just paying for a campaign.
Seems fine to me. I'm buying it mostly for the online anyway. I think a lot of people are so use to the single player campaign being the main chunk of a game, when people need to switch their thinking. You're not just paying for a campaign.
It would be nice if there was a Move bundle...I would check it out then...
Uncharted, Assassin's Creed, Dead Space, Mass Effect & Bioshock are just some of the best franchises in gaming that DON'T need Multiplayer.
Most FPS games do need competitive multiplayer otherwise they're boring, (Borderlands aside), but that's just one genre.
This is the kind of thinking that put the gaming industry in this situation. More devs are concentrating solely on MP that they just don't care for SP because they know people will buy the game anyways. IMO it's kind of a lame excuse. Same in regards to graphics. Devs spend so much of their resources on making the games look great that story and level design almost take a backseat..
Multiplayer-centric games currently still need a single-player experience as 5/10 games with Multiplayer-focus fail because they cannot captivate their audience for long, COD is a great example of a winning formula that kept people hooked (until BC2 came along)
There are however far more games that only need a solo single player experience than those that only need a Multiplayer experience.
BFBC2 for me is only a Multiplayer game, Single Player seemed tacked-on, boring and under-developed
Bioshock 2 for me is only a Single Player game, Multiplayer seemed tacked-on, boring and under-needed.
notice the difference between the ending of the above sentences, the reason is...
Making a smooth, engaging and excellent, long lasting single player game is much easier than making a smooth, engaging, long lasting Multiplayer game.
Multiplayer-centric games currently still need a single-player experience as 5/10 games with Multiplayer-focus fail because they cannot captivate their audience for long, COD is a great example of a winning formula that kept people hooked (until BC2 came along)
BC2 story mode was alright not great but yeah could have been better but Bioshock 2 MP was pretty darn fun when I played it quite a bit.
As far as COD making a MP that kept people going. Well, that really was because early on outside of Halo not many games gave folks a chance to play with no stupid cheater/glitchers, horrible lag, etc. Now, I believe fans have started to wise up to COD being a fun game but one that allows folks to cheat more than others.
Even though it wasn't as good as the single player experience, I agree...the Bioshock 2 MP was damn fun.
Seems fine to me. I'm buying it mostly for the online anyway. I think a lot of people are so use to the single player campaign being the main chunk of a game, when people need to switch their thinking. You're not just paying for a campaign.