Super Freak
That's really weird dude..
I live in Spain, and I'm enjoying the game since yesterday.. however the official release date was today
I know, the rest of the EU got it two days early for some reason?
That's really weird dude..
I live in Spain, and I'm enjoying the game since yesterday.. however the official release date was today
I know, the rest of the EU got it two days early for some reason?
Edit: Anyways.. I have beaten the main campaign today and it took me about 6 hours in total.. very short IMO(open ending for a "possible" KZ4, of course)
Seems odd that you would have two updates in what 36 hours. No my realtor is the on only one who has a clue what he is doing.
Get ready for another patch. You know how we played the one map in warzone over and over last night and it wouldn't cycle. Well we are stuck in the DLC and the only way out of it is to hand pick a non dlc map and then it will allow us to vote on the next map and Gorilla are working on a patch for this.
6 hours to beat the game? bummer, cant remember how long it took me to beat KZ2 but 6 hours is a bit dissapointing, especially since from what i've played is so badass.
yeah it it more fun than KZ2 and the shooting mechanics are improved in this game also, im at the part where
sev and the isa have been ordered to surrender
and its been pretty awesome, hopefully i'll finish it over the weekend and start bulletstorm.
You play online? There's much replay to had there.
thanks man, dont usually play online but i'll give it a shot after i beat the single player.