Super Freak
Would you guys recommend this or Bulletstorm?
Would you guys recommend this or Bulletstorm?
Bullestorm it is. I play online, but definitely not enough to warrant a purchase.
Thanks : )
Well..I should definitely mention the botzone too from KZ3. It basically allows you to play multiplayer modes with bots instead of people. It's good stuff and I spent countless hours playing it in KZ2. If you get tired of dealing with people online, this is a great substitute. I wish every game had a bot mode.
Botzones have their place but it's never a the same as playing vs. real players. Playing computer controlled players seems so archaic to me, reminds me of the the late 90s earl 2000s games. Last game I actually played with them was Red Faction because the PS2 had no multiplayer online for me.
Botzones are good for practice, but are not a substitute for the real thing.
No wonder bots feel archaic to you..the last time you used them was ages ago heh. Lots of folks feel the same way, but it's got some advantages. No online connection problems like lag or trouble getting into a game to deal with. No obnoxious players (worthless team mates etc)doing their best to ruin your fun. Bots actually play the objectives..for the most part. Bots are as good or bad as you want them to be. They can't think like real people, but they can be surprisingly crafty at times and of course they have insanely good aim with guns and grenades.
It's a great feature for people who either aren't connected or simply don't want to deal with playing online.
Well that was the last time I used them intensely. I have used the new Black Ops training mode and Killzone 3 a few times, but it's empty. It's a cheap carbon copy of the online mode, but feels like I'm just playing vs the computer as in the campaign.
It is a great feature but my argument was it doesn't feel the same whooping the computer as it does real people. Plus I have no idea who doesn't have their console connected and is a true gamer in 2011...heck it's been the norm for years now.
True gamer.
true: Real, genuine, faithful, loyal, legitimate.
gamer: Someone who games.
You don't have to play games online to be a true gamer that's not what I said Karma, and not every online game is all "whiney *********s talking insults and how elite they are". Karmas gonna get you if you keep talking like that.
My point is in order to be a real true gamer today you need an internet connection. I never said true gamers game online, I said who what "true gamer" in the year 2011 doesn't have an internet connection. Hell you can't even play some games without one, and you wouldn't be using your games or console to their full potential. I know its hard to think and all but you can do it.
DLC, demos, stores, updates, patches, you can't do much with your system without an online connection. Thus if you haven't made that leap up, you are maybe a casual gamer at best.
nope cause i only party chat with friends so i never hear what the rest say.
if you play a game then you're a gamer, the $60 you spent on the game is no less than a 'true gamer'
the wii made a fortune on casual gamers
and what's so great about DLC, hell half the stuff woulda/shoulda been on retail disc but they hold it back to charge you extra. killzone 3 is classic example, for them to have a map pack good to go now then it shoulda been on retail disc
I'm not arguing that developers are starting to take advantage of DLc and updates. Shipping out rough products and using the crutch of patching after it ships, instead of delaying it. Or holding back content to make gamers pay extra on top of the retail disc.
You can spend $60 on a game, but if you can't update it, can't get any DLC for it, or play some modes...whats the point? True gamers pay for high speed internet connection.
true but if true gamers weren't so loyal in regards to DLC then maybe you'd get a lot more value for your $60 retail disc, i mean capcom is a joke charging ya dlc costs to unlock stuff already on disc
all i'm saying is that online gaming is great but it's arisen a cash cow in DLC costs and if they'd do their stuff properly then patches not needed
Man, this game was awesome up until the last stage, and the ending blew! Take those out and I loved the campaign.
If you mean the space shooter part, I wholeheartedly agree. Not at all the kind of final showdown ending I expected or wanted in a Killzone game. Too many rail shooter sections in general for my taste, but the game is still a boss.
Everything after destroying the MAWLR. The whole space station sequence was lack-luster. KZ2 ended with a good boss battle and an excellent ending to a good story. KZ3 completely lacked those. I actually thought this one was better in every aspect until the end. But still a must play.