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The price would have been worth it for me if they had a second, exclusive sculpt, like they've done with plenty of other PFs.

Total WTF-worthy mistake imo not to have that be an exclusive. I'm willing to pay high prices for 1/4 pieces when they're worth it, like with Iron Studios. This, however... It's fine, but it doesn't blow me away.
If they keep it up with these prices it's actually giving me an easy out for this hobby. I'll actually start saving some money now. Thanks sideshow!
I'm curious, because I've really only been collecting for around 4/5 years - how much was the average PF back in the good 'ole days? What would people like to see them priced at now? $350-$400ish?
I was looking forward to ordering this guy today and when I saw the banner offer with double rewards and free shipping I was like hell yeah. Then I saw the price.

Come on SS, love your fans a little more. Even if I felt like spending more, which I can, they could put some effort into a cool exclusive. What the heck is up with the clenched fist, absolutely meaningless. Who would display him like that. Very disappointed right now.
When I used to collect Spawn, all who paid for SS or HT, was an idiot in my eyes...
Now, Im the idiot.
While I do agree that the price is high, the value is not there, etc - I did order it.
Because now, Im still an idiot, but an idiot with one of 1500 KR PFs in his house, so Im happy.
I was looking forward to ordering this guy today and when I saw the banner offer with double rewards and free shipping I was like hell yeah. Then I saw the price.

Come on SS, love your fans a little more. Even if I felt like spending more, which I can, they could put some effort into a cool exclusive. What the heck is up with the clenched fist, absolutely meaningless. Who would display him like that. Very disappointed right now.

actually I would display him def. without the blades.. it looks like a cheap toy with those rods if they dont light up.. so yes.. ex nor fail for me.. but I pass up for now until I see HT.. if the price would be $500 SSC would have had my money now
I'm curious, because I've really only been collecting for around 4/5 years - how much was the average PF back in the good 'ole days? What would people like to see them priced at now? $350-$400ish?

First Vader PF was $350 and Obi Wan PF was $275.
I'm curious, because I've really only been collecting for around 4/5 years - how much was the average PF back in the good 'ole days? What would people like to see them priced at now? $350-$400ish?

The Obi-Wan Kenobi PF was $275 to give one example. I have no idea what production costs are now, I just know I'd like this to be a lot less and more in line with something like the Sandtrooper at most. That costs $419 and was released the other week, it's also a comparable product in terms of size, and even more detailed if anything.
Kind of a silly question, not sure if anyone here knows the snawer, but how long does the X2 reward and free shipping apply for Kylo? I want to order him, but dont get paid until Friday
I'm curious, because I've really only been collecting for around 4/5 years - how much was the average PF back in the good 'ole days? What would people like to see them priced at now? $350-$400ish?

In the beginning PF's were $250-$300, Then $300-$350. Within the last five years we've gone from $350-$450 and now $500+. And that's just your average built Character. I can't even imagine what Larger scaled Characters will end up at.

However, I honestly think that $400-$450 is about the price an average character should probably be in 2016 with Larger Scaled Characters being anywhere from $550-$650 depending upon size and detail. I know price hikes are a fact of collecting, but this seems a little drastic to me.

Yeah pretty much. Although I don't think this is scene specific to the later parts of the movie, he'd be injured if so. I assumed this was from the opening scene where he turned quickly and freezes the blaster shot. I'd have loved a nice snowy base however, it would have contrasted nicely with his black outfit. I still can't believe the price.. It's mad.

That's a fair review on an initial opinion. My issue with the lack of light-up function isn't that I have to have a light on the statue. It's not a must-have feature for me. It's that if the statue had a light-up saber then I could somewhat rationalize the increase in price. Not fully, because the comparison between this and the Darth Vader PF still doesn't warrant Kylo Ren being $70 more, but I could at least say that some of the increase in price was due to the addition of lights.
Kylo Ren fan >>> "I want my Kylo Ren PF now!"

Sideshow >>> "Hold on... let me put on my green gloves first..."

Not only is this a silly price but shipping to the U.K has more than doubled from their usual rate, and domestic shipping is free?! :slap

So is this the end of $40 subsidised International shipping?
The, large, P2 Maquette was only $40.
Wait so it doesn't light up??? I looked at the pics on my phone at work and was convinced they had changed that. I was ready to order it despite the crazy price but that on the verge of false advertising! WTF?!

The Obi-Wan Kenobi PF was $275 to give one example. I have no idea what production costs are now, I just know I'd like this to be a lot less and more in line with something like the Sandtrooper at most. That costs $419 and was released the other week, it's also a comparable product in terms of size, and even more detailed if anything.

I'm not on the inside by any means but I follow a great French statue company called Tsume Art and they are very candid about their business and how it runs so they often talk openly about it. It seems the cost of production in China has gone up greatly in the past few years (and it's also a pain to find a factory that will be at the level of quality required for those products). They make 1:6 statues and they tend to run EUR400-450. They often mention too that there is a misconception that the more statues you produce the cheaper, and it's not the case.

I bought the HT 1:4 Iron Man. Decided to stick with polystone. Once a statue collector...

Same with me. I've only bought a few HT products because that was the only option available at the time (89 Batman) but I'm really not a figure kind of guy.

Nice review. Regarding the base, I think an argument can be made that it is meant to depict (if anything) the forest scene where he freezes Rey as she is shooting at him. The base appears to have quite a bit of green on it, as well as a broken tree branch, which would be strange inclusions if it was meant to depict the opening scene on Jakku.

Here is the scene I am referring to: