I say make a maquette of the Empire cover and call it a day, great pose.
Giant butterfly?! You mean Mothra?! I hope we never see her in this or any sequels. Unless to be obliterated by G's atomic blast! Could never figure out the fascination over that giant insect anyway. There are way too many cooler monsters than Mothra!
Raiders / ESB / Godzilla
Hey, anything is possible.
Those are movies that no matter how many times I've seen them, I enjoy each time as if it were the first, they just never grow old. As much as I love the '84 Godzilla, the movie just can't make the cut against all that, some of it is flawed and I could easily skip past but all those movies are enjoyable start to finish.
Love this one.
American version or original Japanese? The Americanization is completely unnecessary.
I feel like the new movie will be a blend of my favorite elements of the two movies though, the well told human story of Gojira with the wonderful cinematography of Godzilla himself from '84.