Broke and happy
Night night
And yes, I will use the word EPIC for
both atomic breaths
If the worst genre movie we're going to have this summer is ASM2, well then, I call it a WINNING summer.
I saw it and thought it was alright. After seeing it, I like the Godzilla design even more than before. I really enjoyed the Godzilla parts, but I felt like there wasn't enough Godzilla. I also felt like just when a Godzilla scene started getting really good, they'd cut to a boring human scene like the kid sleeping on the couch. There was too much human stuff and it wasn't very compelling, in my opinion.
They also killed off the best human character very early in the movie. Bryan Cranston was great and it seemed like the whole audience was deflated when he died. If they had to kill him at all, it should've been saved until the end.
Well I am going to see Godzilla friday night and will have to fork over about 20 bucks just to see it in IMAX 3D since my friends have already pre-purchased the tickets. I don't want to go in with high expectations, but this is my first time ever going into an IMAX theatre. With some research it looks like I would noticed a big difference and I hope so.
And yes, I will use the word EPIC for
both atomic breaths
Anyone else feel the formula used was 'classic Godzilla'?