Legendary Pictures' GODZILLA - !!SPOILERS!!

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It would be cool if all humans woke up one day and we were the size of fleas.

Then we would have spiders the size of Godzilla trying to eat us. :horror

I've been letting a spider keep his home in one corner of my apartment. (As long as I can see them and know where they are, we're cool). I hope he shows mercy on me when this day comes. And repay the kindness.
Had a female black widow in a 5 gallon tank for a while. It lived in a cut out log and hated the light. One time I couldn't find it and freaked out for a second. I did find it and it lived for a couple of years. The freakin abdomen was almost the size of a freakin quarter. It was a beauty. Being a nice solid black with the red hour glass underneath. The males are tiny but very pretty being multi-colored. We got a lot of em here and the thing to do is "kill on sight." I won't kill em. Haven't seen any in the house/garage, but he ones I find outside I just move away. same for snakes too. The one spider I will kill is the Brown Recluse. That sonofabeetch is the copperhead of the spider world
Had a female black widow in a 5 gallon tank for a while. It lived in a cut out log and hated the light. One time I couldn't find it and freaked out for a second. I did find it and it lived for a couple of years. The freakin abdomen was almost the size of a freakin quarter. It was a beauty. Being a nice solid black with the red hour glass underneath. The males are tiny but very pretty being multi-colored. We got a lot of em here and the thing to do is "kill on sight." I won't kill em. Haven't seen any in the house/garage, but he ones I find outside I just move away. same for snakes too. The one spider I will kill is the Brown Recluse. That sonofabeetch is the copperhead of the spider world

Brown recluse? Sounds like constipation... :lol
Had a female black widow in a 5 gallon tank for a while. It lived in a cut out log and hated the light. One time I couldn't find it and freaked out for a second. I did find it and it lived for a couple of years. The freakin abdomen was almost the size of a freakin quarter. It was a beauty. Being a nice solid black with the red hour glass underneath. The males are tiny but very pretty being multi-colored. We got a lot of em here and the thing to do is "kill on sight." I won't kill em. Haven't seen any in the house/garage, but he ones I find outside I just move away. same for snakes too. The one spider I will kill is the Brown Recluse. That sonofabeetch is the copperhead of the spider world
Why copperhead? I assume you mean because they're good at hiding? If you're referring to venom potency, copperheads aren't nearly as venomous as other vipers like rattlesnakes and moccasins...

Growing up I would always kill black widows and fiddlebacks (brown recluse) on site. Nowadays I just scoop them up in a cup and take them outside. I kept a black widow for a few months about a year ago. It's amazing how strong their webbing is. I wouldn't fully open the lid to her enclosure when feeding because I didn't want to mess up her webbing, but after she died I took the lid off and there were loud "rip" sounds as the webbing broke. I had to play tug-of-war with it to get it off.

Wait, is this the Godzilla thread? :lol
Why copperhead? I assume you mean because they're good at hiding? If you're referring to venom potency, copperheads aren't nearly as venomous as other vipers like rattlesnakes and moccasins...

Growing up I would always kill black widows and fiddlebacks (brown recluse) on site. Nowadays I just scoop them up in a cup and take them outside. I kept a black widow for a few months about a year ago. It's amazing how strong their webbing is. I wouldn't fully open the lid to her enclosure when feeding because I didn't want to mess up her webbing, but after she died I took the lid off and there were loud "rip" sounds as the webbing broke. I had to play tug-of-war with it to get it off.

Wait, is this the Godzilla thread? :lol

I was referring to the venom .. Very similar in regards to the damage to human flesh.. Nasty. When a recluse bites it doesn't miss. The Widow has much smaller fangs and much of its venom does get in. It's almost blind to and is a reactionary predator. Touch that web and watch it go towards the signal. Doesn't need it's sight to kill. You gotta see the widows defend an egg sac. Mean business. The recluse goes around hunting and sees all. When you see a spider rise and stand on it's four legs with the other four in front raised don't mess around. Last year I caught a freakin huge fishers water spider that was almost 6" across. She was pissssed!
****ing hate spiders. I have horrible arachnophobia. I'm 24 and I can't watch arachnophobia or even the new charlettes web without covering my face. I hate those things with a passion but if I see a small on in the corner of my house I just let it go and mind my buissness. If I'd ever see a big spider I'd probably faint like an old woman and burn the house down lol.

Ironically spiderman is my favorite hero.
Had a female black widow in a 5 gallon tank for a while. It lived in a cut out log and hated the light. One time I couldn't find it and freaked out for a second. I did find it and it lived for a couple of years. The freakin abdomen was almost the size of a freakin quarter. It was a beauty. Being a nice solid black with the red hour glass underneath. The males are tiny but very pretty being multi-colored. We got a lot of em here and the thing to do is "kill on sight." I won't kill em. Haven't seen any in the house/garage, but he ones I find outside I just move away. same for snakes too. The one spider I will kill is the Brown Recluse. That sonofabeetch is the copperhead of the spider world

Brown recluse? Sounds like constipation... :lol

we get these bastards in here. They can pretty much melt your skin if you are allergic. Some woman lost both her legs because she was allergic to the bite if I remember correctly.
I hate them, they are all over the place here. sometimes it feels like I am in my own horror movie lol.

I take the vacuum and i use it on them,

Irvy, go google brown recluse bite, go on, I'll wait lol

I was referring to the venom .. Very similar in regards to the damage to human flesh.. Nasty. When a recluse bites it doesn't miss. The Widow has much smaller fangs and much of its venom does get in. It's almost blind to and is a reactionary predator. Touch that web and watch it go towards the signal. Doesn't need it's sight to kill. You gotta see the widows defend an egg sac. Mean business. The recluse goes around hunting and sees all. When you see a spider rise and stand on it's four legs with the other four in front raised don't mess around. Last year I caught a freakin huge fishers water spider that was almost 6" across. She was pissssed!
Ah, I see.

I just Googled water spiders and they look almost identical to wolf spiders from what I can tell. If those are the same spiders I always get in my house, and it looks like they are, 6 inches is insanely big for them. I get tons of those, wolf spiders, grass spiders and fiddlebacks in my house every summer. In fact I've captured two fiddlebacks in the past week. The latter of which was the largest I've ever seen.

I take the vacuum and i use it on them,
That probably doesn't kill them.
****ing hate spiders. I have horrible arachnophobia. I'm 24 and I can't watch arachnophobia or even the new charlettes web without covering my face. I hate those things with a passion but if I see a small on in the corner of my house I just let it go and mind my buissness. If I'd ever see a big spider I'd probably faint like an old woman and burn the house down lol.

Ironically spiderman is my favorite hero.

So I think it's settled. The Godzilla sequel needs a giant spider villain.
Ah, I see.

I just Googled water spiders and they look almost identical to wolf spiders from what I can tell. If those are the same spiders I always get in my house, and it looks like they are, 6 inches is insanely big for them. I get tons of those, wolf spiders, grass spiders and fiddlebacks in my house every summer. In fact I've captured two fiddlebacks in the past week. The latter of which was the largest I've ever seen.

That probably doesn't kill them.

it always does. when i open the vacuum the next day they are dead.
I think I get wolf spiders too, and they also are dead the next day
One of the only good things about spending most of my time in Ireland. No poisonous spiders.

You should see me when I'm in California though... I need one of those contamination suits from "Outbreak"..

I wouldn't say I'm paranoid of bugs, but I'm very very aware of them..

Especially, Bot Flies...

Youtube it, I dare you...

the huntsman spiders walk around like little face huggers from aliens. really freak me out when I see them. like I said, living in a horror movie.... Thankfully we don't get snakes in here.
But I always have to have my vacuum in hand just in case. it always works