Statue Legolas Maquette

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Well, there was another recent release that ended up having major QC issues that only shipped the EX version. :(

Just because Rogue had this happen doesn't mean squat and we've had numerous pieces over the years where one shipped before the other and nothing happened. Don't let paranoia take over.
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Very true statement Josh. Many, many times an exclusive version ships up to a month before or after the regular. Sideshow uses quite a few factories in China, so I'm just hoping they stop using whichever one it was that messed up Rogue so badly. I mean Vampirella came out only a few weeks later, and have you seen her? Amazing.

I have high expectations for Legolas, especially after the first two in the line. I also don't have much trepidation concerning this piece or future pieces in the line. (Although I will reserve judgement on Arwen until I see in-hand pics.)
Yeah, I have full confidence this piece will be just as great as the other pieces in this line. As a whole SS nails much more than they miss so I don't see any reason to side with the mass hysteria thats going on in the rogue thread.
I'm sure he'll turn out fine. I'm determined to get the regular locally, hopefully for a good price. The detail and likeness look amazing, the best on any Legolas collectible so far. The design on his costume and the leaf clasp look brilliant and he'd be my second maquette after Aragorn. On the fence with Boromir and Arwen, and i really wish i liked the Gimli more to add him to the other 2 hunters, but i like my SSW Gimli and he's sitting with my SSW Aragorn and Legolas.
I am a little bit bummed from the financial side of things to have the Orc and Legolas shipping so close together, but I am really looking forward to seeing Legolas flesh out the maquette line. I love the pose for Legolas, and I really can't wait to set up the exclusive version!
Ok, I got the original e-mail that said they were cancelling my wait list order for the exlusive, but then yesterday it got converted. Keep an eye on your e-mail if you got on the wait list.
I am a little bit bummed from the financial side of things to have the Orc and Legolas shipping so close together, but I am really looking forward to seeing Legolas flesh out the maquette line. I love the pose for Legolas, and I really can't wait to set up the exclusive version!

Did you get shipping notices on these?
I have not gotten shipping notices yet, nor the 30 day notice about my credit card being charged, but some folks on here have reported that they have gotten their thirty day notice for both the Orc and Legolas. I have the non-exclusive Orc ordered through Alter Ego, so I won't get an advance notice on that, but I haven't gotten my advance notice on Legolas personally yet. I was just responding to the folks here that stated they got the thirty day notice for both of these items.
This is what I got on the 6th.

Dear Joshua Long,

Your pre-order of the Legolas Statue - Exclusive (2000851) will be arriving into our US warehouse in approximately 27 days at which time we will charge your card for the item. Please verify that your shipping address and payment information are correct on your order by Wednesday, November 2, 2011 through your online account. You can sign in to your account here:
Did you guys see the Legolas and Gandalf statues, amongst other things, on Big Bang Theory tonight? Sideshow represented BIGTIME!
I just found my notice. It got buried in all my emails. I love that Leggy will cost me a whole $19.43! :D
Did you guys see the Legolas and Gandalf statues, amongst other things, on Big Bang Theory tonight? Sideshow represented BIGTIME!

LOL thanks for that, hilarious. I just bought the leia on jabba exclusive that was displayed :) cant believe this piece is not soldout yet, super intricate.

- this is the limited edition, they only made 8000 of them bad boys.
- oh there is only 8000, lets buy it we wasting precious time!

you can watch the full ep here:
Every Sideshow piece I saw in the episode was the exclusive version.

And we all know, you don't often find those in the comic shop. :lol
Yeah, I noticed that tonight myself. I was listing everything off and my Dad was just laughing at me for knowing everything.
Ok, I got the original e-mail that said they were cancelling my wait list order for the exlusive, but then yesterday it got converted. Keep an eye on your e-mail if you got on the wait list.

When did you get on the wait list? I'm still hoping mine converts, as this is the only exclusive in the line that I haven't secured yet.
Just got back from the Fellowship concert here in Vegas. Now I really can't wait for Legolas to arrive. Being there almost made me want to order the Arwen, but only almost.