This is why every toy line has multiple Spiderman or Batman or Iron Man figures, but the hard core collectors like yourself would rather see the seocndary and tertiary characters. It is a really difficult balance for any company to strike, and not matter how long lived a line might be, somebody is going to be disappointed that a favorite character doesn't get made. Rather than gripe about how the SSW line is not being continued, why not show support for the new line and hope that the line lasts long enough to generate an Eomer in Armor or a Gondorian Royal Guard?
Tho lets be fair, one really can't compare a 'toy' line to a 'limited' edition collectible line which by it's very nature is meant to be, well, limited. If one was to continue the 'theory', then you could picture Weta getting the license in say 10 years time and starting with Aragorn and Gandalf all over again for the very reasons already listed. Does that then mean in 20 years time, Sideshow gets the license back and starts over once more, while Eomer, etc never get made.
In other words, is there an end point for the same character, same scale, same production type and all 'limited' or does it just come down to one thing, if money can still be made, then keep making them.
On the point of showing support, hey, I'm all for it, but this is no different then say the Disney PF line, they need to make what I want. I have Gandalf, etc, etc (and lets face it, if I really wanted another, I'd get the PF, which on top of having the advantage of being different, scale, product type, it was also very well done), making it very hard to support a line that's 'repeats'.
So really, I guess that's the two opposite views for it all and as such, the survival of the line will really depend on the numbers in each camp and how SS handle it. Lets hope it's done better then the half stuff-up that is the Disney PF line so far and in the end, we all get what we are hoping for.