Then allow me to explain!
That comment was quite clearly made before we saw any pictures of the maquettes. At the time all we knew was that we were going to get another Gandalf and Aragorn statue. .To be fair i DID say it'd probably be good!

As to the 'If it was Weta i'd get every one', that was based on the notion that they would carry on where they left off and not do another GTG etc.
Really??? That's funny because your comment was "quite clearly" made
3 month's after SS announced the launch of their new line during ToyFair 2010, [complete with a video containing conceptual art of the first 6 maquettes], and "quite clearly", 3 month's after threads appeared here and on the Weta forum, both of which you, "quite clearly", participated in. Hmmm......that's strange how you knew about Aragorn and Gandalf, but nothing about Boromir, Arwen, Gimli or Legolas...esp. since they all appeared in that video and all 6 images were posted on forums everywhere.....
As to the rest of it i don't believe that is me you are referring to as i never posted that.
You are correct, the comments I made about the pricing issue between the Weta environments and SS maquettes do not pertain to you as you have never complained about the higher pricing of either line.
Nor were the Smaug-related review comments aimed at you. As a matter of fact you were the only guy who recognized the baseless shot taken at me [while I was scouring the globe in search of web enemies to dispatch, one by one

], and who said something about it.
Or maybe i have a kind of Smeagol/Gollum split personality whereby on one forum i can be really nice and on another really evil! Must be the company i keep on each respective forum.
Look, there are some really nice people over there on the Weta forum.....please do not paint them all with the same evil brush.
I believe i have covered all the points raised in your rant. As nothing i can say can stop you doing otherwise, from now on i shall stick my fingers in my ears and go 'NA NA NA NA' whenever you write any more of your multi-quote posts of doom.
Yes, I believe you have covered all the points raised in my.....rant

And I must say, the way you handled my comments pertaining to those who have an understanding of art and those who don't, was masterful. I can safely say your response will have politicians everywhere green with envy.
On a sidenote, I know you completely ignored my Jerry VanderStelt vs John Howe and Alan Lee comparison, but hopefully you'll answer these ones....if you can find the time that is
Does this mean that Daniel Cockersell's Gollum Statue is less meaningful since he wasn't a part of the team that participated in the movies? And what about every other LOTR sculpt that he and Weta's other new sculptors work on....less meaningful?
And how about Markus Hausburg's spectacular MOSoS it less meaningful because he's never worked for Weta? I have to say I'm in a real dilemma here. He is a character invented by Weta, but Markus is a Weta "outsider". Should I contact Markus and tell him his version of the MOSoS just isn't as meaningful, that it's not quite as special because he doesn't work for Weta?
Not that I'm keeping score, but there sure do seem to be alot of holes in that "Weta is better" theory of yours......