I can't actually remember any instances where a board member has said this. Everyone here buys Sideshow items otherwise we wouldn't be members here. The main grievance as i see it is more statues of the same characters, and as we've already discussed, yes they do have to go through these main characters as it's their own line, but i wonder how long the line will go on for. Josh says they cancel lines that aren't selling. Well, the regular versions of both these first 2 maquettes are still available, even though Strider is the best Aragorn item in existence and the GTG likeness is good, if a bit too cartoony and super-hero-like.
To say people (like me and Guru among others - i'll say it if you won't) won't buy a SS item because it isn't made by Weta is nonsense, and is an attempt to twist our words.
Really? Well then I'd like to apologize because I thought that the FrodoEyes over at S&F and you, were one and the same person. Obviously the FE over there who posted this on the first page of the Aragorn Maquette thread is a different guy then:
Could turn out nice but i have the SSW Aragorn and Elessar and REALLY don't need to get into another line! I'll see with interest what they do though...if it was Weta i'd get every one
Do you not realize how much damage you do to your credibility when you speak out of both sides of you mouth like this......

Just asking.....
Well i'm sorry, but here you're having a go at people's tastes. I'm afraid it isn't nonsense to some people, some people actually do put some worth on owning an item that the team from the movie made, especially if it's a creature statue that was made by the same workshop who made the maquette for the film, and thus looks closer to what it should look like.
You can go on about how qualified you are to know what you're talking about when it comes to art, but art is a very personal thing and can be defined by each individuals taste, and here you're calling other people's taste nonsense.
No, I'm not. Look, everyone has their favourite artists or mediums, myself included. Some of the art I love other people hate, and vice versa...and I don't have the slightest problem with that because that involves personal taste. I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about having a knowledge or understanding of art....and that is a completely different animal.
I cannot tell how many times I [and others I worked with] had to serve customers over the years who would come into our gallery and insist on a particular artist or meduim. They would inevitably proceed to explain how their artist was just so much more "inspiring" than others, how only their artist could "evoke such emotion through use of shading or colours" , etc, etc, etc.....I've heard it all. And that is an arrogance born out of a lack of knowledge. While these people were no doubt trying to impress us with their knowledge of art the only thing they were showing us was how little they really knew. And I hate to admit it, but when I started collecting art 30+ years ago, I was no different. It wasn't until several years later that I finally "figured it out". And I can tell you through experience that about 80% of our regular customers finally figured it out as well. Sadly, the other 20% never did. And I say sadly because in their narrow mindedness they will never fully understand or appreciate art. Sorry, but no artist or art meduim has an exclusive licence on what is more inspirational, meaningful, emotion evoking, or "special".....nor does any company.
Go to any art gallery in the world and what do you see....thousands of pieces of art by thousands of artists. If you ask the curators at any of those galleries who their favourite artist's are, they will tell you. But they will never tell you which artist's are "better" or which artists are more "special"....because there is no such thing. The notion that an artist [or in this case a company] is somehow more special would be ridiculous to them.
If I follow your "theory" through to it's natural conclusion then by extension I would also have to conclude that the LOTR artwork of John Howe and Alan Lee is more "special" than the LOTR artwork of Jerry VanderStelt because they participated in the movies and Jerry did not.
While there are certainly huge differences in the way each of these three artists paint.....it is laughable to think that Jerry's work is any less inspiring or meaningful.
I hope you remember and stick by this..... i think you'll find you can have a better debate with like-minded LOTR collectors when you don't resort to personal abuse
What a dishonest statement! Were you looking in a mirror when you typed this?

There is no one around here attacked more often than those of us who come to SS's defense when they are needlessly criticized. Nor is there anyone attacked more often than those of us who say anything even remotely negative towards Weta, no matter how true that might be.
No offence, but I have nothing in common which someone who "feels the need" to question SS's LOTR business plan concerning the issue of two GTG statues available at the same time, yet fails to address the issue that their own preferred company has yet to produce a single item from a licence [1/12 scale] they announced 15 months ago.
I have nothing in common which those "like-minded LOTR collectors" who slammed SS for the significant price increase of their 1/6 polystone maquette line [as compared to the former SSW pricing], yet said nothing when Weta did the exact same thing with their newly revisited environment line.
I have nothing in common with those dishonest individuals who took issue with the "glowing" Smaug review I posted on Weta's website. A review that was 100% fair minded/balanced and [in light of Weta's total recall notice which occurred few weeks after I wrote that review] 100% accurate. What exactly do I have in common with the "like-minded LOTR collector" who not only took a shot at my review, he did so on the same day he posted these Smaug-related gems:
"Yeah, I'm leaning toward a refund right about now."
"as a consumer I feel that we did not get what we paid for. I would rather have that money back in my hands until Weta sorts everything out"
"Just when Weta LOTR collectibles started to really gain momentum once again, this fiasco happens,"
And how do I have an open honest debate with someone who says this here:
To say people (like me and Guru among others - i'll say it if you won't) won't buy a SS item because it isn't made by Weta is nonsense, and is an attempt to twist our words.
and posts this on another form :
Could turn out nice but i have the SSW Aragorn and Elessar and REALLY don't need to get into another line! I'll see with interest what they do though...if it was Weta i'd get every one
I am dying to hear your spin on how exactly I am twisting your words........