I really just wanted to address those who are calling for patience and understanding purely on the grounds of their existing relationship with Les and say that it's unfair and unreasonable to expect all of us, who don't necessarily have that personal relationship, to "just be understanding" without some hope of the problems being redressed.
There's a flip side of that which the non-close people need to understand.
Yes, most of us speaking out on Les' behalf are close to him and know him as a friend, but that is what we're trying to open up to you folks as well.
I understand that members at this board and eBay, etc. have been known to do shady business, and most of the time there's no legitimate excuse and it's just that the person was shady.
What we're appealing to you folks and trying to help you to understand since you aren't close friends, is to remember that while Les does buisness through SSF, he's also a person, a member, and artist, someone to befriend, he's not a corporation, he's not some big outfit, he's just one man with a gift that people at this board have had the privilege of hiring to improve their collectibles.
We, Les' close friends, are like his ambassadors to this board amidst all the chaos of his life and in his absence from the net due to computer problems. We are vouching for Les and his motives. We see his customers here, concerned about their investments, worried about not getting their money's worth, whatever your grievance, and we are relaying Les' thoughts and trying hard to let you guys in on what's going on.
When we plea for you to be understanding, I don't think we're being unfair and are in fact just looking for human decency. We get so caught up in our own lives or whatever and it's hard to see or care about the troubles of others, but the world will fall apart if we ignore our brothers and sisters in it. We are trying to get you to calm a bit with your frustrations from the business transaction side of the matter, trust in us and Les when we say you will get your items, and open yourselves to see and care that you're dealing with a human being who's been dealing with a lot of stuff, even more than gets posted around here because he's got right to privacy, and probably even more than the close friends even hear about, and it's creating obstacles, but instead of saying ^^^^ it to you guys, he's giving up time and other things in committment to finishing his work for you. Stuff's late, ok, but it will get done, just try to understand you're not dealing with some eBay scammer or some shady person here, you're dealing with someone who has many close friends on this board that know him well and he's done business with many others that know the quality of his and his reliability and know that your delays right now are out of his hands and that being late getting stuff to you guys is stressful on him and eating him up and he's slaving to be done.
Basically, trust in us, Les' friends, and Les himself that you will indeed get your pieces, and have patience and understanding. Everyone can come out of this whole situation a winner if everyone can just understand where one another is coming from and be accommodating.