Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009
Still working and still in the game!
Quick in and out update here, as I am buried in house work here due to my family coming down for Thanksgiving this week, yeah, ALL OF THEM....and I clean, anyway, that is part of what's had me slowed in coming in here for a day or two.
Got some stuff to ship shortly and will after the holiday, and when the money from a sale or two hits my account. Had trouble in Ebay with some sales, which didn't go, so when they don't I don't have cash, so I sell what I can. I did sell a couple of things, and those are paying for my shipping. I am actually enjoying lightening my load, as it were, as I have too much in boxes anyway. So, I am not taking new work, but selling off old, my stuff, and figures I don't want anymore, and not taking handouts, no matter how well intended, so as to ship out your stuff.
Got me a plan for getting most of it out by New Years, Christmas with any luck, as I would really like to enter 2010 with a clean slate. That party that someone mentioned is a maybe, as I do want to celebrate when I get this out of here.
Stand by for a detailed update soon, again, slow now, due to daily house cleaning, so it will be just after next weekend. But when it comes, be ready. Stuff is about to rock out of here!

Finally! Feels good too!
Hope it makes some of you happy at long last.
Great stuff you other guys! So much coolness. Out of the loop on new releases, but I will be back in soon. Til then,
have a great Thanksgiving!