Hi guys. Yes, feeling a lot better today. Still tired from last week's bout of food poisoning, to some degree, but not as bad as I was. Man, that takes SO much out of you. You spend a week just getting your strength back up.
Anyway, sending off KL241's Superman soon, and some more heads, and some of Damian's long awaiteds, and lots more. I want to get some of the sets out, (mostly overseas) guys waiting on one head for the sets they are waiting on. Jokers and Bales mostly holding those up, and then lots more going out.
I got a question. Haven't been online much these last two weeks, so what is the status with overseas (Europe and UK) shipouts, what with this Icelandic volcano and all? Is all the stuff others here are shipping, getting to you over there? And vice versa? I want to ship some stuff, but am stymied until I know more. Let me know and I will start on a few of you this week if I can.
Lots in prog and lots done. Lots.
For a sidebar, here's a small custom redo I did, to see if it was possible. The Barbie line Mad Hatter doll (with a sexy Alice of my own design that I did to go with him).
I added eyebrows, repainted the face some, (have repainted the eyes again and again since, not happy with the "Madonna" look to it...) and switched him to a Dragon body. Wasn't wasting a TT on this one. Just thought I'd see if I could make it work.
( Would kill for a better likeness sculpt to replace this with! I figure Xeno's probably on it already!

Lots more to come. Look for pics of a Superman or two and more headpaints as I can get to them. (I like seeing the in-hand shots from you guys better than my shots!)
Got Spencer's Beatles and Trevor's Firefly guys now on the paintup docket too. Not too many new things, as oldies are way ahead in line, but just saying, glad to have in hand a couple of new sculpts, even if they aren't mine.
As I get caught up, I hope to show more new heads when that can happen.
More soon!