Sorry I haven't been in here in a while. Been VERY busy, and have had so much to work on at one time, they sort of trickle out as the sets for folks get done. Especially those overseas that wait for more than just a Ledger Joker. Those heads are slowing some of the mailed sets, and I am sorry about that. I have often thought I should have sent what I had done so far, then send the Jokers out later, but when you are shipping so much, you sort of wait til a set gets done for a member. Hard to do this by one's self after getting so damned behind, but I am still at it, and yes, some have gotten their's and haven't posted much. Some have gotten them and sold them, sorry about that, hope whoever got those liked 'em.
And so on.
Anyway, I am always here, always painting. I can't go anywhere else! LOL! So, I am not in hiding or anything so weird, just buried in this.
As you can see, some of the really older things are getting done. I have sets for Damian and DrJediSith and Gruff Old Bear, to name a few, that predate all the Bales and especially, Jokers, but with all of them in progress, I finish the ones I can, and send what I can, when I can.
To update on some background, because you all deserve to at least understand what's up as things take a while, I am still at home with my Dad, and still working out filing bankruptcy since almost 80% of all my income made from any of the "profits" from any of my work in the last four years or so has been going to Credit Card debt. So....after catching up my taxes, which took time, I am filing bankruptcy to simply get the damned debt off my back, and out of my way, so that ANY money coming in, goes to shipping. That will solve a lot of my shipping backlog.
I didn't spell that stuff out for so long because I just didn't want to. But now, who cares. I am not that upset about it anymore, but maybe it will explain to a lot of you waiting why things don't flow out faster shipping-wise. It's been a DEEP frustration for me, and I simply have to bite that bullet and get it done.
Also, as I work, I am getting older and one thing that bothers me beyond words, is this, I am slowly developing eyesight problems. That is a HUGE, HUGE HUGE ego and pride blaster for me. Here I am, working my ass off, and am working against time. When I "retired" and I put that in quotes because I have to do some work to make newer money, that or sell figures from my collection...but since then, I have realized that I am truly going to have to abandon this when I am truly caught up.
That one has smarted for me to admit to you all. Age, (I am 50 next year), wear (hours upon hours upon hours of looking through magnifyibng lenses to see teeny eyes and details that I have no business doing for much longer...), and now, I just learned I am slowly developing catacacts from taking some meds for my blood pressure and cholesterol, (DAMN YOU PHARMECEUTICAL COMPANIES!!!!), so I am sitting here slowly going blind trying to simply finish! LOL!
It is kinda funny. But still, I am committed, in fact, it is all I have to define my art now, to the notion of finishing ALL OF THIS, and getting it out to ALL OF YOU.
So, bear with me, and my slow, but sure progress.
I am fighting a lot of factors now. It sucks. But, I will not stop, I will not give up, and I will finish each and every one.
Also, I am making great headway. No pun intended.
I do keep emailing and shipping out, and will continue to do so until all this is out of here for good.
I am downsizing my own collection, and that suits me. For both financial and just in hand "don't need it" reasons. And I will show more of my own stuff soon, but I have felt lately, that I should step back, and let you guys post YOUR stuff when you get it. That is the best testimonial for the work, and the deliveries, and hopefully, the satisifaction.
So, sorry if I haven't tooted my own horn by showing my own paints off as I go. I don't think it's appropriate in my case now. Your stuff comes first. Then I will show some of mine.
I do some things from time to time, in between, just to loosen my head and the pressing sense of time. And to keep myself enjoying it for your stuff. It's a process and not just a machine like production.
Anyway, that's the long version, but trust me, I am not down, I am not even feeling bad. I am really excited about the heads and figures again, and how they are going out, so bear with me, and look for updates, mostly in PMs and Emails, and look for YOUR STUFF in the mail soon!
I promised you then, I promise you now, YOU WILL GET YOUR STUFF! And it will be the best I can do.
I just wanted you all to know what's happening, so you can at least know I am still trying my best to do it.
I've also lost 35 pounds since December, feeling better physically, and am also am doing looser, LARGER art again, pastels, maybe paintings, etc., so I will have an art outlet to go to when I am done with this scale work. And for what it's worth, it's been a PLEASURE to have been able to do this for you all. I mean that. I am the one that is honored that any of you wanted this South Georgia boy's crazy paintups!
So, back to the bench, glasses on, paints at the ready, mailouts coming!
*And by the way, I have been stunned by the quality of new paints and works and sculpts coming out in here. Some of you (new to me) guys are incredible. It is truly moving on past anything I ever did, and I am loving it! Rock on you guys!