Thanks everyone. Your support of all this means more than I can possibly express. Here it is Monday morning, and I need to so get my head back on, and get to work. I am still way behind, and I am still committed to catching it ALL up, and getting it ALL out, and to you.
But thank you all so much for letting me get this exhibit out and up, and posted, so I could share it with you all.
Understand, I am in REALLY tough straits at home, beside the fact my reputation artistically is back to some sense of respectable locally. One offsets the other, as I am in an endless dog after his tail thing, and I stay in a frustrating state of exhaustion from it all. If I were 20 years younger, I could rebound a lot faster, and just GO GO GO and get it all done. I'd be way done by now I am sure.
But regardless of that, age,

, I am committed to several things,
One, to getting my work backlog reduced and out to you, NO MATTER WHAT. All the stuff...every bit...
Two, to fighting to keep some semblence of respect among all of you, NO MATTER WHAT, as you all have shown me more than I ever deserved.
And three, to do my best to stay a contributing member of this Site, of this Hobby and this ART as long as my eyes and energy levels will let me.
So, having stated this, know where my heart is, and that I care for this stuff more than most here ever can. I hope you all know that. I meant it when I said my gesture in the exhibit was not just for me, but for
US. I wanted to share with it. THAT was my primary motivator. Educating the masses, and defending the fun of this amazing hobby.
I LOVE figures, always have, always will.
I will do my best to not be a cautionary tale like others have become.
I am trying to make money here locally, teaching art classes at night on some nights, and may be taking a local part time job soon

But I will stay on the work until it's done. And, WHEN I get it all done.....I may try to do more paints and stuff in limited quantities again. But only when it's practical to do so.
I let a few things dribble in and out, here and there, to pay bills, but I have not put much ahead of the main mass of work. So look for more updates on that as soon as I can.
Thanks again for all the kind support guys. I mean it. You all rock. More than you know. ENJOY all this! It's fun! It's for fun and sharing. At least this site lets us do that still.
Oh, I have completed some heads recently, some have been sent out to owners, some haven't posted them yet. Hope to see more of those soon.
Also, there is one set I must mention so I can move on from it. I made one exception for one member, in a sort of work tradeout for older ones long due. I resisted it out of respect for the rest of you, and he knows it, but the trade out was on stuff he's waited a LONG time for, so he got newer heads painted sooner instead of the older ones, which he will wait for til
well after you others here get your's before he gets the rest of his. No worries there!

I hope that makes sense.
And don't worry, I won't make exceptions like this again.

Now Pjam, you can post your beloved Beatles.
I have work to do! 
Thanks again everyone! I really mean it!