Thanks guys. Don't want to go overboard with all this, but it's kinda heady stuff for me. Especially in what have been some rough times, so this is all a much needed uplift for me and the family.
Anyway, here's the newspaper writeup. I REALLY didn't think they would use all fo what I wrote, thought I got a bit wordy or into stuff they wouldn't care to print, much less that it would make the front page. So, here's a shot of the writeup. I sure hope my hometown gets it now!
No more
"Dressing DOLLS!" 
when describing what this stuff is I do!
And some pics from the reception...the wing if the museum with my stuff (It's not a large museum, but it's the one we have)
The view with the place empty and you can see my stuff in the case in front left and way back in back there. The little one in the middle is my works too. Some wedding cake toppers.
Some of the ones that made the cut
HAD to put my Hicks in there, due to the head and all.
The Batman lineup. That 66 Robin has a never to be finished West Batman due someday...I haven't finished him yet. But the Robin made it.
Some of the back case stuff
The Bonds, and the Comedy guys, including "The Little Fellow", Charlie. I need more time to refine his hands. I may replace his hat with a flat brimmed one if I can find one.
I must mention there were cards on the walls above the cases with explanations of how I made what, and in them I list as many of you that helped me makes these as I could remember. The Indy got a LARGE list due to all the contributors, and the Napoleon, Hicks and several of the others did. Just know some of the other custom artists that post here are represented as well.
My sister's family came down from Atlanta, from LtoR that's Andrew, Joe, some idiot that got in the picture, my sis Julie, her TALL husband David, and my Pa. I was glad he made it. Ma couldn't, but I did call her and shared with her while we were all there.
That's all for now. I am trying to get back to work again after all this, but again, I was really glad I could FINALLY explain to the locals what it is I do. It's been a real thorn in my side how a lot of folks think it's childish stuff. I assume some of you get that from family or friends also. I've actually lost friends over it. No lie.
Anyway, in one corner of the world, some folks now know better. And respect this
Art a bit more. At the very least, I hope I represented us all well enough to them.
More actual WORK-work to come!