Long time no hear from! It's been a CRAZY month for me here.
July has been the month I dreaded, and I appreciate everyone being patient with me during it. (Add in SDCC and other stuff going on, and my stuff takes a back seat anyway...).
But I am still here, still pounding away at paints.
To catch up with you all, I've been getting some projects done when I could, and set aside so I can ship out. There's been little income in the last few months, and that is due to my having retired (or having tried to), more or less, and by not taking much new work, and again, with no 9 to 5 job, means the coffers run dry unless I sell stuff, which I am again. Trying to anyway.
So with that money, I will ship out more and also deal with my financial woes at long last. I SHOULD have done this years ago, deal with the woes, so most all my income would have been in hand, and not sent paying outrageous minimums to the CCard companies. That smarts a lot, so I am ending that problem for good.
That means soon shiipouts will resume and stuff will get to proper sources once more.
I apologize for delays, again, but know stuff is coming.
And please, where possible, let me email you, and pm you when shipments are ready and on the way, and help keep the deluge of info requests at a minimum, as you all have been doing so well, (THANK YOU!) so I can spend the time working and not online responding all the time. It's hard doing this backlogged work alone as is, so thanks for all of you being so damned patient.
You all deserve medals. Big, shiney, gold ones! Maybe I can come up with those too.
Anyway, hope to have new finished stuff pictures up soon, new arrivals in hands, and lots more good news!