Thanks all. Matt, not sure if I can for a while, but I will try. Thanks for asking. PM me for more info if you are seriously interested.
Sent a message to you RJM.
As for everyone else,
I am working on a lot and hope to be able to ship some more out soon. I completely broke, here at Christmas, and have had no use of my Paypal for months, as all that was under scrutiny during the bankruptcy, and I have only ten cents in the bank right now. Yes, Ten cents.
Hopefully, this condition is about to change very soon and I can begin to act on shipping and getting supplies and more again and get all this out of here. It's a huge chore for me, on top of all the stress, but with less on my financial plate than before, I'm sure I can get a handle on it all at long last. I am trying. I even finally got my room cleaned up, and my workspace is much better for me to organize and complete it all.
Just know, none of you waiting can possibly want your stuff in hand more than I want all of it finished and out of my life forever. No way. Not possible. Not even close.
Trust me on that.
Hope all your holidays are good. Better than mine no doubt. I can only hope at any rate. I've also been sick the last week, so I haven't been online much either. Just now emerging again. My immune system is about shot from all this. Trying to regroup here.
Anyway, I still live, and still am trying. When I am done and caught up, and all have their stuff in hand at long last, I hope me and my long list of problems will be just a memory. Til then, I am on it still.
Until I am done.
Thanks. More soon.