Thanks so much Maz. You rock too my friend.
Update on me, since it's been a while.
OK. I am about 2/3 through my bankruptcy and it's not been fun. In fact, having to deal with it on top of the last three years, two and a half for sure, of pure hell, has been unbelieveably stressful at best, and downright horrifying at worst. There was a period (Still not at an end) that I feared I would lose my entire figure collection. Yes, that. All of it. My stuff though, not anyone else's. You wouldn't believe the lengths I have gone through to just preserve and protect other folk's stuff in case it came to that.
There have been some dark nights for me in all this. LONG, sleepless nights. And I am so tired. But I have had all this to keep me going. I have always kept in my mind, I MUST FINISH THIS STUFF NO MATTER WHAT. I may still be alive due to that single thought. Seriously.
The good side of all this, is I am one organized mother now. I have FINALLY gotten the best storage shelving for my works, your stuff, and have organized it all where I can keep it off my desktop, where I had a lot of it at one time (I do not have much room in this ONE ROOM I call a home). But, I have been sticking to a plan I started, ironically, in April of 08, where I was gonna move this huge 1905 piano out of here, it's not my family's anyway, and make room to do better work, in more space.
I so envy other artists I see here with big tabletops, covered in measured out cutting surfaces, and stacks of boxes of supplies, and such, so I have been trying to work towards that for two years now. Some of that may have added to the lagtimes on a lot of the work. Sadly. But now that I am reorganizing, it is helping me move stuff out the door.
Also, due to court scrutiny of my paypal and ebay accounts, I have been unable to accept payments of any kind, even the kind hearted "extra shipping" monies that could help me speed things up, here and there, and let me tell you, THAT added a LOT to my stresses. But, my private art lessons here, and some other side work is yeilding some meager income, enough to ship things as I can. so no fears, STUFF IS STILL COMING!
I will not, now, or ever, decend to the depths of accepting someone else to come and do shipping or proper accounting for me, when this is MY PROBLEM, and I must solve it. And I am.
But man, this bankruptcy thing, I would still do it, as I had to, just too much ccard debt (ALL my money was going to that every damned month!) and the lag, and so much family stuff, but I am staying on target, getting work done, and OUT OF HERE! But, I sure didn't expect where it has taken me. Think hard those that have to consider it. It is SCARY stuff!
But your loot is moving again.
It's slow going, but going. THAT IS WHAT MATTERS!
I cannot possibly update everyone. The emails and pms are coming and I may not can let each of you know the same thing, so read this here, so you at least know, it is ALL coming.
You will get emails. You will get tracking numbers. You will receive your loot, and it will be finished. It may not have been fast, or on time, whatever that was now, but it will be done with my best possible efforts. That is my promise and I stand by it.
So, thanks Maz for the VERY kind comment and post. He is but one of several to have received stuff recently, and he has waited a LONG time also. I cannot thank you enough my friend. YOU and others like you, make this all possible for me. Those that came late, the ones in back of the line, those that are maybe even the most impatient, see how those that are WAY ahead of you feel? Hope all can feel that way soon.
More to come. And more from those that have waited so long. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! You still rock.
What will I do after all this? REST! For a long time. And enjoy the works of others, and try to get some of the new heads, and make some figures when I can. And rest.
But not til I am done.
Hang tight, and be prepared to receive. That's the best I can say for now. Emails and pms coming when the stuff is on the way.
Always in your debt,
PS: And there is something coming I think some of you may like. I hope. A little something I have been workiing on for a year or two now, in the middle of all the other stuff, that I hope to show soon. A little thank you item. Til then,
more works!