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Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

'tis me.


Another cute buffy fan, like me....:monkey3
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

@ the Palazzo

snowboarding, before I hacked off my hair! If I told you I didn't eat it, I'd be a liar.

Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

Really really hate getting my picture taken, been 2 years since last one's (dad's funeral), and before that I dont even remember....highschool yearbook?

Anyways to get rid of some of the edgyness I have with having my pic take, plus being bored, I got a photoshopped pic. Wanted to try something out, and first fig I saw I went with which is why I went this route.


hair is normally slicked back, but eh.
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

So, I went on a road trip with some friends back to California last weekend. Naturally, we went to the beach by my place in south Orange County and then later to another one down at San Luis Obispo (shown here). Back home the days are always beautiful and the surfing is great (though I didn't do any this time). This is not far from where I live back in California, which is nothing like where I go to school here in Utah. :lol

Here's me:


Ah, California. How I miss you when I'm gone . . .

Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

Yo Capt.

When you get a chance, you need to visit La Jolla here. That place is marvelous. It looks like San Loius Obispo but you get to see a bunch of seal.
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

Yo Capt.

When you get a chance, you need to visit La Jolla here. That place is marvelous. It looks like San Loius Obispo but you get to see a bunch of seal.

Oh, I used to go there a lot as a kid! My family loves to go see the seals; we only had two days there so we barely had time to do much of anything. When I'm home for the summer I go every day after work, which is nice since I teach preschoolers and am out by 2:00 every day all summer long. I love my summers back home. :love