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Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

Here's a pic of me with the legendary Ken Foree:

Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

Great pictures everybody! Eli, I always imagined you......well, a lot more geekier!:lol

Meh... I play sports. Work out. When I am with my jock buddies, I put on the jock show. With my geek movie buddies, I do the geek thing.

I like to think of myself as a gock. There has to be a lot of us.

Ahhh hell, even my jock friends know I am a geek. Heck, they are geeks too. Everyone has a geek inside of them.
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

Did you get those muscles from lifting all those heavy resin statues? :)
Your girlfriend looks charming! What's her stance on your collecting habits? Is she happy about those naughty busty women statues being around?

She seems accepting. And trust me the Hulk PF is great for working the pectorals, latissimus dorsi, triceps, and biceps. Oh yeah. lol

TOE, that is a Rocketeer version 2!

Chase, What dude was I wrestling?!
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Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

nice pics Eli, thanks for having clothes on this time! :chew

say hi to hulk for me :monkey2
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

Some great pics everyone :) .When i have a spare couple of weeks ill have to go through the whole thread.:D Nice to see all you guys ;)
heres me just before I was 16 , both pics are with different cousins.
17 now so I look pretty young on these. I'm in the UK. :rock
And pale , I just got outta hospital around this time :lol.

This is me and my cousin Rubina. :rolleyes:

And again with a little cousin called Saskia. :D
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????


My wife and me. We're celebrating our 15 year anniversary in April.
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

Wow! You two have aged well for a 15th Anniversary. You two must have gotten hitched between 18-20 in age. :)
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

No I haven't. It's just the little details... The place just has an Austrian atmosphere to it.

I'm baffeled. You must have some psychic abilities to tell that this English Pub, which you've never even been to, is in Austria. I haven't even mentioned where I live anywhere on the Freaks board or my profile.

It is a gift, I tell you! You should appear on The Next Uri Geller.
What is your secret?


shaun-o, I hope you don't hate me for mentioning it, but to me you share some familiar facial features with Emilio Estevez.
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

I'm baffeled. You must have some psychic abilities to tell that this English Pub, which you've never even been to, is in Austria. I haven't even mentioned where I live anywhere on the Freaks board or my profile.


I don't see Emilio at all however... :lecture
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

Something about the eyes/ eyelids.
Then again, everyone looks like Emilio Estevez to me. Even women. :lol
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

I'm baffeled. You must have some psychic abilities to tell that this English Pub, which you've never even been to, is in Austria. I haven't even mentioned where I live anywhere on the Freaks board or my profile.

It is a gift, I tell you! You should appear on The Next Uri Geller.
What is your secret?


Start music from 'The Twilight Zone'

If that place was mend to look like an English pub, the owner should have tried harder! Der Teufel liegt in detail... :D

Stop music from 'The Twilight Zone'​
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

This is me and my cousin Rubina :D

And again this is me with another little cousin called Saskia :D

And yes I'm ready for the age jokes !.
Im 17 now , I was 16 on these pics and just ogt outta hozzie so was pale lol.