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My Serial Killer look:


Here is me last Halloween:


And here's me yesterday, with the King himself:


I was so nervous, forgot to take off the glasses and look completely dorky, especially since I only got one take, after waiting in line two and a half hours. Still, it was neat to meet a hero of mine, even if it only lasted a minute.
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Lucky bastard. I almost got to meet him last year at comic con but the line was off the wall.
Here is me last Halloween:

And here's me yesterday, with the King himself:

I was so nervous, forget to take off the glasses and look completely dorky, especially since I only got one take, after waiting in line two and a half hours. Still, it was neat to meet a hero of mine, even if it only lasted a minute.

Cool pics! Bruce is such a great guy to meet in person.
The entire experience was kinda like watching Indy 4. Okay but something was missing. It was great to finally meet him, and he was polite, but there were so many people, we were understandably rushed through like a herd. He was also very entertaining at the Q&A, I was just scared of asking a dumb question and getting called out by the man himself.
At Fang-Con a few years ago, I was lucky enough to get into a small room to watch Evil Dead w/ The Man and the Scream Queens doing commentary.

It was freakin' fantastic. I'll never forget it...
I got to meet Bruce three times. The second time was at a Barnes & Noble, and I only found out about because I had a friend who worked there and told me about it. So my wife and I decided to arrive a couple hours early to beat the crowd... We were pretty happy when we got there and saw that no one else was there before us. Then we thought it was weird that there was hardly anyone else showing up while we waited. It turned out that for some reason his appearance wasn't advertised. There were literally more store employees than fans there to see him.

I think Bruce was a little disappointed at the turn out, but he sat and talked to the handful of us for over an hour. He also signed anything we wanted (this was before he put limits on how many items he'd sign). I have to dig out my pics.

The last time I saw him over 500 people showed up! They herded us through like cattle. It was still great. :lol
I had an experience close to that with meeting Sean Astin.

He showed up at a local Horror store, Dark Delicacies, for a signing of his book There and Back Again. It, too, was improperly advertised and we got to hang and talk with just a handful of peeps.

It was waaaaay cool for this Sam to meet that Sam. Got a big ole' hug from him, too.
Bruce is the freaking man, love seeing him at comic-con. Always get there at least an hour in advance to make sure that I see the man himself. He's freaking hilarious and very worth of being the man.
Here is me last Halloween:


And here's me yesterday, with the King himself:


I was so nervous, forgot to take off the glasses and look completely dorky, especially since I only got one take, after waiting in line two and a half hours. Still, it was neat to meet a hero of mine, even if it only lasted a minute.

So you're from Austin Texas? Yesterday I understand he was at the Alamo Drafthouse as a "night with Bruce" something or other. Bannister invited me to go since he had an extra ticket but I had a Nursing care plan to work on. :banghead
So you're from Austin Texas? Yesterday I understand he was at the Alamo Drafthouse as a "night with Bruce" something or other. Bannister invited me to go since he had an extra ticket but I had a Nursing care plan to work on. :banghead

I think he was in Dallas. From one of the questions asked last night, he was apparently in Dallas the day before. Last night was the premiere of his latest film My Name is Bruce which was pretty damn entertaining for straight to dvd stuff. There were no signings at the showing I was at just a q & a after the movie. Not sure about the later shows.
I think he was in Dallas. From one of the questions asked last night, he was apparently in Dallas the day before. Last night was the premiere of his latest film My Name is Bruce which was pretty damn entertaining for straight to dvd stuff. There were no signings at the showing I was at just a q & a after the movie. Not sure about the later shows.

Yeah, he was in Plano on Saturday and had to be in Austin the next day.