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thumbs up :rock


Toe, you look like your really blushing there... she is cute isn't she? :rotfl

If I hadn't seen this post I would have thought you were a chick, because of the chick in your avatar.

That's getting to be a pet peeve of mine, actually. A completely unfair one, because people can have whatever they want to have as an avatar. If only there was a way to display our gender with our stats in every post.

I am a little Asian boy who likes to cause trouble and show his butt... :monkey3

Wooo Hoooo!!!! 10,000 posts!!!! Again!!!! :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

I was actually going to quote (the now defunct and locked) thread that he/she/it started.

There's an example of someone trying too hard to fit in and preying on (perceived) gender to ingratiate themselves to others.

Like I said, I'd rather people be respected and taken for what they are inside rather than their outer shell. Man, woman, kurgan, p!tu etc...:D
