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Nice work P!tu! I finally joined a gym again, I hope I can get my arms back too. :rock

Here are some recent shots of fatty "Riker Beard" Josh. :lol


my god. this thread has all gone a bit...


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So i was getting ready to shot an Update video with my webcam and the thing started to take pics like crazy!:horror i can put them together and you can see how frantically i was trying to turn it off olololol this is the first pic it took i thought my Tricep looked good so i kept it!:lol:lol

You look good tho p!tu man...You should contribute that pic and your story to the Freaks Fitness Thread :D
Hey now!
You won't be getting any complaints about this thread from us women! :rock

Well I would post pics of me showing off my arms also, but I think Im a lil self conscious, never happy with the way I look :lol

Any more arms or body pics, stories, head on over to the Fitness Thread guys :rock
Yup that's really true, the key tho is to be consistent and dedicated...
Actually that's only half true. Dedicated yes, but you need variety in your exercises - doing the same thing all the time wont get the best results and you need to rest your arms too from time to time. Doing bicep curls everyday is not good, try biceps one day and then triceps the next if you must but dont just do arms!! Intensity is important tooo when lifting, not just yanking or swinging the weight up. And keep your elbows perpendicular to the floor.
Actually that's only half true. Dedicated yes, but you need variety in your exercises - doing the same thing all the time wont get the best results and you need to rest your arms too from time to time. Intensity is important tooo when lifting, not just yanking or swinging the weight up.

Yup, good point also man..Gotta continue to shock the muscles..
Actually that's only half true. Dedicated yes, but you need variety in your exercises - doing the same thing all the time wont get the best results and you need to rest your arms too from time to time. Doing bicep curls everyday is not good, try biceps one day and then triceps the next if you must but dont just do arms!! Intensity is important tooo when lifting, not just yanking or swinging the weight up. And keep your elbows perpendicular to the floor.

WTF!!!! I thought this was a picture thread, not a Boflex commercial.....
Hey now!
You won't be getting any complaints about this thread from us women! :rock

And Josh, glad to know you're gonna start taking better care of yourself...

but you're still just as sexy as ever.

No complaints from me! Just enjoying! :D