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Hammer found da church!!!!:monkey1

When I went to see some friends up in San Jose, CA we would see him at the Jubillee Church. During his preaching he actually busted out a few moves (no joke either). But he is a pretty good preacher and he does freely admit that he was stupid with his money and was used by lots of people who he thought were his friends. When you hear his story you kind of feel sorry for him. He's not a bad dude and is easy to talk to.
I love this!! LOL!
<EMBED height=340 type=application/x-shockwave-flash width=560 src=https://www.youtube.com/v/AbAUi7savsk&hl=en&fs=1& allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always"></EMBED>

He doesn't really have anything to be sorry for. He made a ton of money and I'm sure got a ton of women. Hate the song and the whole Vanilla Ice thing. Can't stand his music nor his vile temper now either, but hey......has more money than me! :lol
He doesn't really have anything to be sorry for. He made a ton of money and I'm sure got a ton of women. Hate the song and the whole Vanilla Ice thing. Can't stand his music nor his vile temper now either, but hey......has more money than me! :lol

But, i could care less about money and all the STD's he contracted.:lol

Annddd! i do not look like him at any age! :mad:
Me and Josh


Hey Hey Hey

oops, looks like i moved my old photos from earlier in the thread.

here i am when i had hair. errr.. not blue hair. :D


beanies are awesome!

I think you are the first person I have ever known of to get reinstated after getting banned. Of course, it did say temporary ban.

Welcome back.

Who? What? When? Why?

Anyway, um have you heard of Shai Hulud and Bannister? Both banned (Shai more than once) and have been brought back. I think even Bodie has been banned once or twice.
Who? What? When? Why?

Anyway, um have you heard of Shai Hulud and Bannister? Both banned (Shai more than once) and have been brought back. I think even Bodie has been banned once or twice.

Bannister has Ban in his name. ha ha im smarter than yewwwww.
I think Shai has even been banned and reinstated since that post .... TWICE!! ... :monkey1
Who? What? When? Why?

Anyway, um have you heard of Shai Hulud and Bannister? Both banned (Shai more than once) and have been brought back. I think even Bodie has been banned once or twice.

Didn't know that.

I should have been banned ages ago, what happened?? :lol

You came in under the radar for two reasons. You changed your name and confused Dave, and SSF is not allowed to ban you under the provisions of the Equal Opportunity Message Board Act of 2005.