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Judging some of the above equations I guess the dominant gene just doesn't work like it used too.....

I'm mostly german myself.
Heh. I'm glad I started the roots going in this thread.

*breaks out mental paper and pencil*

I'm assuming this:

Is on your Dad's side. Correct?

And this:

Is obviously on your Mom's side.

DAD = White (!?) + Mvskoke (Creek)
MOM = Cherokee + Half-Cherokee/Half-White (English)


YOU = 1/3 White, 2/3 Native American (Cherokee/Mvskoke)

So you definitely have more Native American in you than White.


I'm Half Samoan Half White (Irish)

But I look like a Mexican. Go figure. :lol:lol:lol
I do have mostly Native American traits, its just what people judge me on (fair skin and eyes) that I got the English traits from. I think my most prominent Native American features are my bone structure in my face and my skinny wrists. Haha. But like I said, most of my relatives have darker skin and features. It's only mainly me, my Dad, and my younger brother who don't look it as much (my little brother is actually a dirty blonde!).

Thanks for doing the math for me.

I love that my Mom gave me a Native American name. I was the only one of her three kids she did that with. When I learned that Red Cloud was originally going to be part of Mt. Rushmore, but he was scrapped by the KKK sculptor who changed the design of it, it really pissed me off. But Mt. Rushmore is just an abomination to anyone who considers themself Native American. It's a tribute to Manifest Destiny and the expansionist presidents i.e. the guys who raped and pillaged my ancestors.

However, I don't go as far as not using $20 bills. ;)
I'm German and Irish also. I am a bit of spanish too from my moms side.

Yup, I am German, Irish, Scottish, and have a bit of Ukrainian and Polish in me. I didn't want to say the other two right away since they are cheap. WHA?! I can discriminate and make fun if it's in my blood!

Seriously, I no so many cheap Ukrainians. Proud of em though... sure a good looking people!
Me partying nice hearings huh



Yup, I am German, Irish, Scottish, and have a bit of Ukrainian and Polish in me. I didn't want to say the other two right away since they are cheap. WHA?! I can discriminate and make fun if it's in my blood!

Seriously, I no so many cheap Ukrainians. Proud of em though... sure a good looking people!

I am a Jewish Arab Englishman ............. I was a violently made love child. :)
:rock :rock :rock :rock

It's amazing how many people think Mexicans are Middle Eastern....I see that a lot up here in Seattle.

Well, the Spanish were invaded by the Moors ( I know it's not exactly Middle Eastern, but with similar features),
and then the Spanish invaded Mexico...

I get the Middle Eastern thing as well even from Middle Easterns :rotfl

Me too, once when I lived in Chicago this guy at a bus stop started toalking to me in arabic and then in english, and asking me about my brother... and I told him he was confusing me for somebody else...
he didn't believe me until I started speaking spanish... :lol
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My best friend and roommate is full-blooded Palestinian, and Hispanics always try to talk Spanish to her. It pisses her off, and she refuses to speak Spanish back to them, even though she knows it.

I've really got to find out what my racial background is. Clearly I'm some sort of Caucasian.

I am a full blooded Newfoundlander but, i was not born there. So, English, Scottish and Irish decent for me.