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Oh man that Pan bust is SO mine!

I'm glad Aurra Sing is butt-ugly again like Sideshow's PF. Another thing I won't have to spend money on.

I think GG came a bit closer than SS's, which was really off the mark, IMO.

Those 12" vintage SW figs are growing on me... $50 a pop makes them unreasonably expensive though.
I think GG came a bit closer than SS's, which was really off the mark, IMO.
I don't know why they think this character needs to be hideous.

(A sig I made.)


Aurra was my only venture into the Bounty Hunters, and I used to be a huge Aurra fan.

(My collection. I also have an autograph of the actress who played her.)
This early stuff didn't portray her as a gross gothic mess. Well, the Unleashed figure wasn't flattering, but she's not 'ugly' per say. But the PF and that mini-bust are just nightmares.

EDIT: Sorry to derail the thread. Here's a picture of Bliss and I that makes us look like ghosts. :)

(I'm wearing a hat, that's not my hair.)
Seems that companies always have a tough time balancing out the alien nature of the character with the sexy aspects.

Cool pic, BTW. Is that just the lighting that gave it that greenish tint?
It's actually a picture of a monitor displaying us (hence the fingerprint smudges). We were at a Museum of Science and Industry doing a series of "fear" experiments. That one was for sound, you were to look into the monitor as a loud "BANG" noise played to see if you flinched. Neither of us did. :)
Nice to finally see both of you,is that your garden?

And i couldn't help noticing your son's favourite Soccer player,two thumbs up for that!