Super Freak
I said but don't NOT tell him why. Not don't tell him why.Tell him why heroin is a horrible drug, don't just tell him it's bad because badness.
I misread that the first time round too

I said but don't NOT tell him why. Not don't tell him why.Tell him why heroin is a horrible drug, don't just tell him it's bad because badness.
I said but don't NOT tell him why. Not don't tell him why.Tell him why heroin is a horrible drug, don't just tell him it's bad because badness.
What sort of relationship do you have with your mom and uncle nowadays? (If they're still with us?)
.... no i dont have a child, but, i know full well what not to do and how not to handle situations.
Ive never understood people who claim they abuse their children because they were abused themselves. Ive always thought abuse in your own childhood would teach you the very reason why NOT to abuse you're own.
Ive never understood people who claim they abuse their children because they were abused themselves. Ive always thought abuse in your own childhood would teach you the very reason why NOT to abuse you're own.
i think people should understand there is a BIG difference between physical child abuse and disciplining your child. some like to bunch the two together.
kids can drive you nuts
Naw, in all seriousness, I don't necessarily think liberal parenting leads to brats. I think it really has to do more with the firmness of the parents. A lack of strength and order can lead children to be more unruly.
kids can drive you nuts