Yes it dose they used to paddle kids when I was in school even in Middle School the one teacher had a Cricket Bat for just that purpose.
I won't blame technology. Why? That lets parents off the hook for not doing their job. If parents would spank their kids behind when they act like a fool growing up, teach them respect/responsibility, and if we would bring back the paddle in schools that would all help. All of those were in effect when I was a kid and all of them happened or almost happened. It helped shape who I am today. The blame again IMO isn't on technology or other nonsense its on the weak *** parents around today.
I've got to say that I'd love nothing more than to see corporal punishment back in schools. I'm still pretty young, so I can still remember just how many disrespectful little ****s were in school when I was there. I can think of nothing more delightful than seeing one of those smartasses humiliated with a paddle.![]()
must be a lot of brats around. I never seem to find any.
I won't blame technology. Why? That lets parents off the hook for not doing their job. If parents would spank their kids behind when they act like a fool growing up, teach them respect/responsibility, and if we would bring back the paddle in schools that would all help. All of those were in effect when I was a kid and all of them happened or almost happened. It helped shape who I am today. The blame again IMO isn't on technology or other nonsense its on the weak *** parents around today.
Just the threat of it being used would go really far. That's just my 2 cents from how I see things as a teacher.
The other day one of our high school teachers took a students cell phone away from him because he was using it in class. She asked for it and when he refused, she snatched it out of his hand. Her nail scratched his hand and she got two days off without pay.
Then our school system wonders why people are pulling their kids out of our system and putting them into neighboring ones. DUH! No discipline is why!
...and society wonders why it has difficulty attracting quality talent to the teaching ranks. Who in their right mind would choose to put up with this sort of humiliation?
And what has the student taken away from all of this? That they have all the power and teachers are schmucks. I feel so sorry for that teacher having to return from her 'exile' to face that twit, whose smug factor will have been boosted ten-fold thanks to the feckless wonders who draft and implement schools policy.
This is what we are teaching our kids today. Do whatever you feel like, disrespect adults all you want and there will be no penalty to pay. Even parents who discipline their kids have to worry about someone calling child protective services on them.
Too many people consider discipline to be abuse. Sure, there are parents who abuse their children and those parents should face the consequences, but why has nor mal discipline become out of bounds? Because the far left says it is.
my experience is, its the adult that's more like brats with a sense of entitlement.
I work in IT and before I landed this position, I would get tons of recruiter calling. some of them think I'll just move to whatever their position is; give them part of my social security # and part of my birthdate; or accept whatever position they have.
there's lots of other example of adults behaving badly. one of my college professor seem to pride herself that her kid might be a bully.
Sorry, but I find that it doesn't matter what political side you're on, you'll find disrespectful kids that have no discipline at home either way.
When a kid makes the honor roll here, they're given a sticker to put in their car window saying that they're kid is an honor roll student. So, now we have a lot of people driving around with in cars, usually really nice ones, that say this......
Of course you do, but it's the extreme left ADULTS who push the no consequences agenda on parents.
I haven't seen this on many Porsche's, Lexus' or Mercedes'. I've seen them on old beat up ragity cars though.
Actually, it all started with Dr. Spock a long time ago.
Around here we don't see those cars. A nice car is a newer car, doesn't matter the make.
But today, who is the anti discipline and anti consequences crowrd? Is it the bible belt or the leftists? No, not every Democrat, but the true leftists.