Reviving an old thread. Finally got around to work on the lense portion of the bio. The finish on this piece is really nice, with heavy texture throughout. The only issue is the lack of lense, which could be easily resolved.
Before the mod:
Equipment used--sharp scissor, removagble double sided tape, transparency, window cling, and spray paint (note window cling & spray paint in black and silver not shown in picture):
Making the stencil with an Office Depot brand window cling sheet:
After some fine trimming and fitting, the stencil:
Transfered shape to the prepainted transparency:
Final step-cut, trim to fit, and double sided tape the lense to the bio. Finished product (please excuse the mess):
Looks so much better with the lense :chew. This lense is easier to do then the celtic piece. If anyone needs the stencil for reference, PM me. Note there will be some variation in the lense shape from bio to bio due to the hand finished nature of these pieces.