It's got dodgy written all over it.![]()
Meh, PASS. (Even if it was real or not)
I'll stick with the 1/4 SS Queen bust, thanks (which I got from Kaijuboy for a great price and in mint condition too. Thanks Bro)
The closest thing I have to this is my lifesize Alien Queen wall plaque. It has some damage it to it at the moment, which I need to fix, but overall I like itWith the right lighting it looks fantastic!
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Stay away from that one.
Mine is fiberglass and from the original molds.
I could only fit the top half .She's a big beasty.
This is a mass produced statue, not sure who produced it but you could get it through Morris distribution. These were made a LONG time ago so this ad wouldn't be current. They made an alien and a pred back in the day. I know someone that works at Morris and he said that they did sell a few of these. I have a picture of someone standing with it so you can see how big it is, and it's REALLY BIG. I'll try to dig it up and post it. My friend that works at Morris said that this is from the Winston original molds.
Nice collection Bro! The Queen looks killer!
Do you have more pics of that life size Werewolf that's hiding on the left side of the pic? Is that the one from Monster Galaxy?
i would think a latex piece that huge would be a bad idea? I imagine there's a steel armature going through it, but still, you got to have a hella tall ceiling for that to display. If it were made out of fiberglass, it would be worth the asking price imo.