Legendary Hunter
Super Freak
Lets see $25,000 at $100 a month....I can own this baby in 21 years!!!!....wait, what do you mean I have to pay shipping?!?!?!
Lets see $25,000 at $100 a month....I can own this baby in 21 years!!!!....wait, what do you mean I have to pay shipping?!?!?!
I wonder how many people have actually bought it!
Probably none yet...the only owner of one is....the owner...lol
Here's that pic of someone standing next to it for size.
Probably none yet...the only owner of one is....the owner...lol
I've never heard of this web site before, but I know Larry aka gkasylum has a real 1:1 Queen in his house, so he is the best person to ask about how legit this piece is.
anyone know where to get hold of the hansing queen bust? would love that thing.
No. thats the way he got them straight from film peopleI believe the queen was blueish anyway, most people think it was grey it wasn't. Bob has never done anything with anything except when he had the original AWIL restored and now having Jack restored from AWIL. He has tons of Alien stuff and I'll shoot Guilty more pics to post. Alot if not most are in pretty rough shape. Sadly. Mike
Larry doesn't have a fullsize queen he only has a head.
Those were made by Distortions, Distortions who DID own the license to make them no longer makes these. I know Ed from Distortion well. So inless its a physical Queen, I be wearly of buying it. At the time they sold they sold for about $16,500.00 that back in the day about 15 years ago. A real queen from SW is 16 feet tall, and the guy who said the head is 8 feet alone is correct. This Queen is a scaled down version. Hes saying 1/1 scale, thats impossible. A real queen is 16 feet tall. This is 86" which makes it a lttle over 7 feet. $25,000 NO way..Your nuts if you buy this. Again the original from Distortions 12 years ago from SW molds was about 16,500 Whole Sale about 18K retail. The picture you see, is a catalog shot Distortions use to use and Morris when they sold this back 15+ years ago. For 25K I can my FX studio do a commish on one it be 16 feet.
Their have only been 5 ever sold of those Queens. (Real Mold ones from SW Molds from Distortions JFYI) I know 4 of the 5 people who do own them. 1 is floating somewhere. So inless someone can show me a picture of it wo a preorder, or a generic catalog I be learly because I know for a fact Distortions no longer licenses or sells those.
Inless someone picked up the molds from Distortions and the license. Untill that can be proven to me, I wouldn't be fork over 25,000. Its not worth 25K anyway, maybe 10K at most, for 7,500 I can show you alot better Alien. The real Queen is hudge Ive seen them up close in person their 16 feet tall, the head is hudge, very cool looking. The Mold pulls are no different than the real deal except thier not on screen and mold pulls. Theirs 12 different Molds to the Queen, to build her. If you have questions or do have the real deal email me [email protected] For the person who talked about the real Queen. a close friend of mine owes the Queen (Real deal screen used one. Bob Burns. He did have a chance to have the whole queen, but it wouldn't fit in the his house, so he only kept the head. The Body is long gone =( I have seen it, and can post a picture of me by her if you guys like. Thanks Mike